ᐅ Iowa Assault and Battery (IA)

What is penalty for assault in Iowa?
If no other law applies, Iowa law considers an assault to be a simple misdemeanor, punishable by up to 30 days in jail and a fine of $65 to $625.

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Johnson County, Iowa


Last names: #Gates   #Gatewood   #Gatheright   #Gathright   #Gatlin   #Gatrost   #Gavin   #Geati   #Gehrke   #Gemartino-Bernal   #Gendron   #Geoghegan   #George   #Gerard   #Gertson   #Gibson   #Giddings   #Gilchrist   #Giles   #Gillette   #Gilliam   #Gilmore  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Gates, David Benjamin Arrested Sep 10, 2015
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
• driving while barred habitual offender - 1978 (agm
Benjamin Gates, - Johnson County, IA
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Gatewood, William Robert Arrested Jan 14, 2016
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
• operating while under the influence 2nd offense
• driving while license denied or revoked (srms)
Robert Gatewood, - Johnson County, IA
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Gatheright, David Arrested May 02, 2019
• public intoxication
• assault (smms)
David Gatheright, - Johnson County, IA
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Gathright, Dwayne Robert Arrested Jan 20, 2016
• domestic abuse assault - 2nd offense (agms)
Robert Gathright, - Johnson County, IA
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Gathright, Dwayne Trevion Arrested Mar 07, 2019
• domestic abuse assault (smms)
Trevion Gathright, - Johnson County, IA
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Gathright, Dwayne Trevion Arrested Apr 18, 2019
• assault use/display of a weapon-1989 (agms)
Trevion Gathright, - Johnson County, IA
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Gatlin, Wayne Jeremy
Bond: $2500
Arrested Dec 14, 2014
• disorderly conduct - fighting or violent behavior
• assault causing injury, viol of indiv rights (agms
Jeremy Gatlin, - Johnson County, IA
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Gatlin, Faye Veronica Arrested Jan 21, 2017
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
Veronica Gatlin, - Johnson County, IA
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Gatlin, Faye Veronica Arrested Dec 16, 2015
• domestic abuse assault (smms)
Veronica Gatlin, - Johnson County, IA.
Gatrost, Michelle Heather Arrested Aug 12, 2015
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
Heather Gatrost, - Johnson County, IA
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Gavin, Marie Alisa Arrested Sep 05, 2017
• assault causing bodily injury-1978 (srms)
Alisa Gavin, - Johnson County, IA
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Geati, Stephen Nicholas Arrested May 24, 2019
• paula city code
• domestic abuse assault - 2nd offense (agms)
• endangerment/no injury (agms)
• assault w/intent sex abuse/injury (feld)
Nicholas Geati, - Johnson County, IA
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Gehrke, Michael Aaron Arrested Sep 23, 2019
• domestic abuse assault (smms)
Aaron Gehrke, - Johnson County, IA
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Gehrke, Renee Cynthia Arrested Aug 03, 2019
• harassment / 3rd deg. - 1989 (smms)
• assault causing bodily injury-1978 (srms)
Cynthia Gehrke, - Johnson County, IA
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Gemartino-Bernal, Marcelino Arrested Jun 05, 2016
• domestic abuse assault impeding air/blood causing inj(feld)
• endangerment/no injury (agms)
Marcelino Gemartino-Bernal, - Johnson County, IA
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Gendron, Joseph Aaron Arrested Aug 24, 2015
• domestic abuse assault impeding air/blood causing inj(feld)
Aaron Gendron, - Johnson County, IA
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Geoghegan, Francis Shane Arrested May 20, 2015
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
Shane Geoghegan, - Johnson County, IA
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George, Lavon Jeffrey Arrested Mar 13, 2015
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
• contempt-contemptuous behavior toward court
Jeffrey George, - Johnson County, IA
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Gerard, Allan Robert Arrested Mar 07, 2015
• assault (smms)
• public intoxication
Robert Gerard, - Johnson County, IA.
Gertson, Maria Alaina Arrested May 11, 2017
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
Alaina Gertson, - Johnson County, IA
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Gibson, Keith Christopher Arrested May 14, 2018
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
• interference w/official acts (smms)
• operate vehicle no consent - 1978 (agms)
• possession of a controlled substance (srms)
Christopher Gibson, - Johnson County, IA
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Gibson, Sugarlump Mathusela Arrested Jul 18, 2019
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
Mathusela Gibson, - Johnson County, IA
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Gibson, Annette Tasha Arrested Oct 18, 2017
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
Tasha Gibson, - Johnson County, IA
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Giddings, Thomas Paul Arrested Aug 06, 2016
• assault causing bodily injury-1978 (srms)
Paul Giddings, - Johnson County, IA
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Gilchrist, Deonte Damien Arrested Apr 08, 2019
• domestic abuse assault impeding air/blood causing inj(feld)
Damien Gilchrist, - Johnson County, IA
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Giles, Dushawn Avarian Arrested Aug 24, 2017
• interference w/official acts (smms)
• public intoxication - 3rd or subseq offense
• domestic abuse assault - 3rd or subsequent offense
• burglary 1st degree - 1983 (felb)
Avarian Giles, - Johnson County, IA
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Gillette, Daniel Joshua Arrested Jun 03, 2016
• assault use/display of a weapon-1989 (agms)
Joshua Gillette, - Johnson County, IA
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Gilliam, Osborne Jeffrey Arrested Apr 10, 2019
• public intoxication
• public urination (ic ordinance
• assault causing bodily injury-1978 (srms)
• disorderly conduct - fighting or violent behavior
Jeffrey Gilliam, - Johnson County, IA
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Gilmore, Koriko Roshun
Bond: $2500
Arrested Jul 01, 2017
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
Roshun Gilmore, - Johnson County, IA
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Gilmore, William Seth
Bond: $10000
Arrested May 30, 2017
• interference w/official acts (smms)
• domestic abuse assault - 3rd or subsequent offense
Seth Gilmore, - Johnson County, IA
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