ᐅ Iowa Assault and Battery (IA)

What is penalty for assault in Iowa?
If no other law applies, Iowa law considers an assault to be a simple misdemeanor, punishable by up to 30 days in jail and a fine of $65 to $625.

Arrest Records By County - Iowa (IA)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Polk County, Iowa


Last names: #Peugh   #Pew   #Pewick   #Pfaff   #Pfannkuch   #Phagan   #Pham   #Phanphasy   #Phanrisvong   #Phanthavong   #Phares   #Phaydavong   #Phelps   #Phetpriyavanh   #Philavanh   #Philemon   #Philip   #Phillip   #Phillips  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Peugh, Ruth Rebecca
Altoona, Polk, IA
Arrested Jan 30, 2022
• domestic abuse assault impeding air/blood flow causing bodil
Rebecca Peugh, - Polk County, IA
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Pew, Pew Tiffany
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 24
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Feb 23, 2015
• assault on peace officers and others$1000
Tiffany Pew, - Polk County, IA
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Pewick, James Curtiss
Bond: $300
Arrest Age 36
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Nov 22, 2015
• trespass
• harassment 1st degree
• assault on persons in certain occupations-no injury
Curtiss Pewick, - Polk County, IA
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Pfaff, Pfaff Michael
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 51
Spring Branch, Polk, IA
Arrested Jun 17, 2013
• assault causing bodily injury or mental illness
Michael Pfaff, - Polk County, IA
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Pfannkuch, Pfannkuch Dylan
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 47
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Nov 09, 2012
• drug paraphernalia$300
• narcs - possession sch i$1000
• assault domestic abuse with injury
Dylan Pfannkuch, - Polk County, IA
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Phagan, Rae Darian
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 51
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Feb 02, 2017
• violation of no contact / protective order
• domestic abuse assault display or use of a weapon - 1st offe$2000
Darian Phagan, - Polk County, IA
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Pham, Thanh Hai
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 33
Ankeny, Polk, IA
Arrested Aug 29, 2015
• assault causing bodily injury
• domestic abuse assault w/intent or displays a weapon
• harassment - 1st degree - threaten forcible felony
• harassment - 1st degree - threaten forcible felony
Hai Pham, - Polk County, IA.
Pham, Pham Van
Arrest Age 30
Johnston, Polk, IA
Arrested Nov 20, 2013
• assault domestic abuse with injury
Van Pham, - Polk County, IA.
Phanphasy, Phouxam
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 31
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested May 03, 2017
• assault while displaying a dangerous weapon
• domestic abuse assault w/intent or displays a weapon
• assault while displaying a dangerous weapon
Phouxam Phanphasy, - Polk County, IA
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Phanrisvong, Phanrisvong Amina
Bond: $300
Arrest Age 44
Pleasant Hill, Polk, IA
Arrested Aug 28, 2013
• assault simple
Amina Phanrisvong, - Polk County, IA
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Phanthavong, Phanthavong Viengkaone
Bond: $300
Arrest Age 42
Pleasant Hill, Polk, IA
Arrested Jun 23, 2014
• assault simple
Viengkaone Phanthavong, - Polk County, IA
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Phares, Phares Steven
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 36
Arrested Sep 07, 2014
• harassment-1st degree
• theft all other-1st degree
• obstruction of emergency communications$1000
• assault domestic abuse simple
Steven Phares, - Polk County, IA
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Phaydavong, Kaisit Kenny
Arrest Age 29
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Aug 19, 2018
• assault while displaying a dangerous weapon
• harassment 2nd degree
• assault causing bodily injury
Kenny Phaydavong, - Polk County, IA
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Phelps, Jason Nicholas
Arrest Age 33
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Feb 11, 2019
• domestic abuse assault cause bodily injury/mental illness
Nicholas Phelps, - Polk County, IA
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Phetpriyavanh, Phetpriyavanh Phitphavanh
Arrest Age 40
Ankeny, Polk, IA
Arrested May 30, 2015
• assault domestic abuse with intent or with a weapon
Phitphavanh Phetpriyavanh, - Polk County, IA
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Phetpriyavanh, Tom Saleumphone
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 27
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Jun 22, 2017
• harassment 1st degree
• assault while displaying a dangerous weapon
Saleumphone Phetpriyavanh, - Polk County, IA
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Phetpriyavanh, Tony
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 20
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Jun 12, 2020
• assault use/display of a weapon
• domestic abuse assault
Tony Phetpriyavanh, - Polk County, IA
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Philavanh, Philavanh Brenden
Bond: $300
Arrest Age 58
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Apr 06, 2014
• assault simple
Brenden Philavanh, - Polk County, IA
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Philavanh, Keo-Khounlo Deon
Arrest Age 31
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Oct 07, 2017
• domestic abuse assault cause bodily injury/mental illness
Deon Philavanh, - Polk County, IA.
Philemon, Joseph Marshoul
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Apr 17, 2022
• domestic abuse assault impeding flow of air/blood
Marshoul Philemon, - Polk County, IA
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Philemon, Majak Ring
Arrest Age 44
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested May 18, 2019
• domestic abuse assault cause bodily injury/mental illness
Ring Philemon, - Polk County, IA
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Philip, Philip Agok
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 43
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Jun 10, 2013
• assault domestic abuse - 3rd or subsequent
• assault causing bodily injury or mental illness
Agok Philip, - Polk County, IA
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Phillip, Phillip Alexander
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 26
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Jun 22, 2013
• assault causing bodily injury or mental illness
Alexander Phillip, - Polk County, IA
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Phillip, Phillip Alexander
Bond: $100000
Arrest Age 37
Arrested Aug 14, 2012
• harassment-1st degree$50000
• assault domestic abuse simple$50000
• child endangerment (oll others - nonviolent)$50000
• harassment-1st degree$50000
• probation violation
• criminal mischief - 4th degree ($200.01 - $500)$2000
• harassment-1st degree$50000
• burglary - 1st degree (intentional/reckless bodily injury)$100000
Alexander Phillip, - Polk County, IA
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Phillips, Ashley-Dakota-Marie Amber
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 45
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Nov 02, 2016
• unauthorized use of credit card under $1,000$2000
• assault (smms)$500
Amber Phillips, - Polk County, IA
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Phillips, Joseph Daniel
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 44
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Jul 03, 2020
• assault causing bodily injury
• assault (smms)
Daniel Phillips, - Polk County, IA
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Phillips, Dawn Desire
Arrest Age 17
Ankeny, Polk, IA
Arrested Oct 17, 2019
• assault causing serious injury - without intent
• false imprisonment
Desire Phillips, - Polk County, IA
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Phillips, Phillips Emmett
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 34
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Oct 30, 2013
• improper rear lamp
• driving while barred habitual offender
• assault causing bodily injury or mental illness$1000
Emmett Phillips, - Polk County, IA
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Phillips, Victor Erin
Arrest Age 45
Des Moines, Polk, IA
Arrested Dec 05, 2015
• domestic abuse assault - 3rd or subsequent offense
Erin Phillips, - Polk County, IA
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Phillips, Phillips Jeffrey
Bond: $6412
Arrest Age 29
Council Bluffs, Polk, IA
Arrested Oct 22, 2012
• criminal mischief - 4th degree ($200.01 - $500)$6412
• assault causing bodily injury or mental illness
Jeffrey Phillips, - Polk County, IA
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