ᐅ Iowa Assault and Battery (IA)

What is penalty for assault in Iowa?
If no other law applies, Iowa law considers an assault to be a simple misdemeanor, punishable by up to 30 days in jail and a fine of $65 to $625.

Arrest Records By County - Iowa (IA)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Johnson County, Iowa


Last names: #Rivera   #Roberts   #Robinson   #Rocha   #Rockafellow   #Rockett   #Rodriguez   #Rodriguez-Galvez   #Roe   #Rogers   #Roldan   #Rolf   #Roling   #Romanos   #Roos   #Rosa   #Rosales   #Rose   #Rosencrants  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Rivera, De-Jesus Diana Arrested Jan 16, 2016
• oper veh wh int owi
• assault causing bodily injury-1978 (srms)
Diana Rivera, - Johnson County, IA
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Roberts, Leon Kedrick Arrested Nov 19, 2015
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
• trespass -
• possession of drug paraphernalia (smms)
• obstruction
Kedrick Roberts, - Johnson County, IA
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Roberts, Christine Rebecca Arrested Apr 16, 2015
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
• operating while under the influence 1st offense
Rebecca Roberts, - Johnson County, IA
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Roberts, Allen Rickie Arrested Jan 01, 2016
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
Rickie Roberts, - Johnson County, IA
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Roberts, Allen Rickie Arrested Aug 21, 2015
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
Rickie Roberts, - Johnson County, IA
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Roberts, Allen Rickie
Bond: $1000
Arrested Sep 24, 2015
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
Rickie Roberts, - Johnson County, IA
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Robinson, Lamar Robert Arrested Nov 23, 2018
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
• endangerment/no injury (agms)
Robert Robinson, - Johnson County, IA
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Rocha, Estevan Arrested Oct 28, 2018
• operating while under the influence 3rd offense
• assault causing bodily injury-1978 (srms)
• violation of parole - 1985
• provide false identification information
• driving while license denied or revoked (srms)
Estevan Rocha, - Johnson County, IA
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Rockafellow, Gerard Jack Arrested Jan 28, 2015
• child endangerment-bodily injury (feld)
• domestic abuse assault - 3rd or subsequent offense
Jack Rockafellow, - Johnson County, IA
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Rockafellow, Todd Michael Arrested Jan 10, 2019
• driving while license denied,susp,cancelled or rev
• assault causing bodily injury-1978 (srms)
• fail to obey traffic control device
• damage to vehicle - 1983
• intimidation w/dangerous weapn-injure/provoke fear
Michael Rockafellow, - Johnson County, IA
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Rockett, Maurice Andre
Bond: $1000
Arrested Jun 17, 2019
• possession of a controlled substance (srms)
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
Andre Rockett, - Johnson County, IA
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Rodriguez, Cesar Arrested Jan 14, 2015
• domestic abuse assault - 2nd offense (agms)
Cesar Rodriguez, - Johnson County, IA
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Rodriguez, Jairo Arrested Nov 04, 2017
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
Jairo Rodriguez, - Johnson County, IA
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Rodriguez, Moses-Miquel Jose Arrested Sep 07, 2016
• domestic abuse assault - 2nd offense (agms)
• possession of drug paraphernalia (smms)
• obstruction of emergency communications (smms)
Jose Rodriguez, - Johnson County, IA
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Rodriguez-Galvez, Roberto
Bond: $2500
Arrested Mar 20, 2016
• assault causing bodily injury-1978 (srms)
Roberto Rodriguez-Galvez, - Johnson County, IA
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Roe, James David Arrested Aug 31, 2015
• assault use/display of a weapon-1989 (agms)
David Roe, - Johnson County, IA
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Rogers, Decole Arthur Arrested Nov 16, 2018
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
• domestic abuse assault (smms)
Arthur Rogers, - Johnson County, IA
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Rogers, Marie Christina Arrested Aug 01, 2018
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
Christina Rogers, - Johnson County, IA
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Rogers, Lynne Jessicca Arrested Sep 11, 2018
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
Jessicca Rogers, - Johnson County, IA
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Rogers, John Trenton Arrested Jun 07, 2018
• domestic abuse assault (smms)
Trenton Rogers, - Johnson County, IA
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Roldan, Rolando Arrested May 26, 2017
• domestic abuse assault - 3rd or subsequent offense
Rolando Roldan, - Johnson County, IA
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Rolf, Lloyd Gary Arrested Jun 16, 2018
• riot - 1978 (agms)
• willful injury - causing bodily injury (feld)
• assault intent to inflict serious injury-1978 (agm
• interference w/official acts (smms)
Gary Rolf, - Johnson County, IA
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Roling, Michael Jason Arrested Sep 06, 2016
• assault causing bodily injury-1978 (srms)
Jason Roling, - Johnson County, IA
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Romanos, Nicholas Christopher Arrested Feb 21, 2019
• domestic abuse assault impeding flow of air/blood
Christopher Romanos, - Johnson County, IA
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Romanos, Nicholas Christopher Arrested Mar 16, 2018
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
• contempt - violation of no contact or protective o
Christopher Romanos, - Johnson County, IA
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Roos, Lynn Cody Arrested Jun 20, 2018
• theft 4th degree - 1978 (srms)
• kidnapping 3rd degree - 1978 (felc)
• forgery (feld)
• theft 3rd degree - 1978 (agms)
• public intoxication
• false imprisonment - 1978 (srms)
• endangerment/no injury (agms)
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
• forgery (feld)
• forgery (feld)
Cody Roos, - Johnson County, IA
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Rosa, Allan-Reimer John Arrested Feb 09, 2016
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
John Rosa, - Johnson County, IA
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Rosales, Arturo Jose Arrested Jun 24, 2019
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
Jose Rosales, - Johnson County, IA
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Rose, Alexander David Arrested Mar 29, 2016
• domestic abuse assault impeding flow of air/blood
David Rose, - Johnson County, IA
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Rosencrants, Jo Hillary Arrested Oct 21, 2015
• domestic abuse assault without intent causing inju
Hillary Rosencrants, - Johnson County, IA
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