ᐅ Kentucky Assault and Battery (KY)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Pike County, Kentucky


Last names: #Salinas   #Salisbury   #Salvino   #Salyer   #Salyers   #Samons   #Samples   #Sampson   #Sanchez   #Sanders  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Salinas, Marcello
Arrest Age 31
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Mar 05, 2017
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) no visible injury, pike, 3-5-17
• ai, pike, 3-5-17, 2000 10% w/ bc, friend
Marcello Salinas, - Pike County, KY
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Salisbury, Usmky Chad
Arrest Age 33
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Mar 11, 2011
• * aoc use only * assault 2nd degree 5000 10% hatfield
Chad Salisbury, - Pike County, KY
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Salisbury, C Keri
Arrest Age 32
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Jul 17, 2007
• assault 4th 10% friend 7m1588
Keri Salisbury, - Pike County, KY
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Salisbury, J Richard
Arrest Age 46
Tompkinsville, Pike, KY
Arrested Jun 22, 2002
• assault 3rd degree - surety mullins
• alcohol intoxication in a public place 1st & 2nd offenses
• dis con
• resisting arrest
Richard Salisbury, - Pike County, KY.
Salisbury, J Richard
Arrest Age 27
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Dec 30, 2017
• possession of defaced firearm,pike,12-30-17
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) ,pike,12-30-17 5000 10% no contact mullins
Richard Salisbury, - Pike County, KY
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Salvino, A Joseph
Bond: $245
Arrest Age 28
Dorton, Pike, KY
Arrested Jan 27, 2013
• criminal mischief 3rd degree
• assault 3rd degree-police officer or prob officer
• resisting arrest 1-27-13 pike
• ftpf 1-28-13,pike,friend same as 8m2237
• escape 3rd degree (new charge) 1-28-13 pike
• fleeing or evading police, 2nd 1-28-13,pike,friend 5,000 fc
• menacing
• ftpf 1-28-13,pike,friend allow jail cred
• tampering w/prisoner monitoring device (new charge) 1-28-13 pike
Joseph Salvino, - Pike County, KY
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Salyer, C Aaron
Arrest Age 33
Steele, Pike, KY
Arrested Jan 21, 2018
• assault, 4th degree pike 1/21/18 2,000 fc friend
Aaron Salyer, - Pike County, KY
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Salyer, C Dwayne
Arrest Age 45
Hardy, Pike, KY
Arrested Nov 29, 2019
• assault, 4th degree (no visible injury) pike 11/29/19 2000 fc judge wright see comm
Dwayne Salyer, - Pike County, KY
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Salyers, N Brandy
Arrest Age 26
Elkhorn City, Pike, KY
Arrested Aug 21, 2002
• aggravated assaults - 10% or property nfc mullins
• violation of epodvo
Brandy Salyers, - Pike County, KY
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Salyers, A Chris
Phelps, Pike, KY
Arrested Mar 06, 2022
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) minor injury, pike, 3/6/22, ror per verbal order judge wright
Chris Salyers, - Pike County, KY.
Samons, K Dalton
Arrest Age 20
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Aug 05, 2003
• assault 4th return from hazard surety friend
Dalton Samons, - Pike County, KY
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Samples, James
Arrest Age 57
Whitesburg, Pike, KY
Arrested Oct 04, 2013
• assault, 4th deg 2,000 surety mullins 10-4-13 pike see comm
James Samples, - Pike County, KY
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Sampson, N Patrick
Arrest Age 39
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Aug 15, 2007
• assault - 4th degree -7m1121 probated time mullins
• non-payment of fines 4m1347
• assault - 4th degree- 7m1818 60 days to serve see comments
• non-payment of fines 6m2158
Patrick Sampson, - Pike County, KY
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Sampson, N-Cld Patrick
Arrest Age 29
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Feb 07, 2004
• aggravated assaults - 4th degree
• coc fc thompson pd 1,000 rec in file
• fta 99-t-4476 mullins ttp
• fta 03-m-517 ttp mullins
• non-payment of fines fc hall floyd co.
• ftpf 99-m-2385 ttp mullins
• criminal mischief - 3rd 10% hatfield 04m270
• ftpf 99-t-1987 ttp mullins
• menacing
Patrick Sampson, - Pike County, KY
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Sampson, P Zachary
Arrest Age 33
Virgie, Pike, KY
Arrested May 09, 2015
• failure to wear seat belts pike 5/9/15
• assault, 4th pike 5/9/15 2,000 fc w/ hc friend
• reckless driving pike 5/9/15
Zachary Sampson, - Pike County, KY
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Sanchez, Carlos
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 29
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Jun 20, 2014
• assault, 4th degree 6/20/14,pike,mullins 2,000 10% bail cred
Carlos Sanchez, - Pike County, KY
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Sanders, W Ballie
Arrest Age 36
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested May 08, 2003
• resisting arrest
• disorderly conduct
• assault - 4th degree fc hatfield 142.50 b4 rel
Ballie Sanders, - Pike County, KY
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Sanders, D Billy
Arrest Age 41
Regina, Pike, KY
Arrested Feb 14, 2018
• public intoxication-controll sub(excludes alcohol), pike, 2/14/18
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) minor injury, pike, 2/14/18
• terroristic threatening, 3rd degree, pike, 2/14/18
• disorderly conduct, 2nd degree, pike, 2/14/18 2,000 fc judge mullins
• violation of a kentucky epo/dvo, pike, 2/14/18
• non payment of fines, pike, 2/14/18, 100.50fc, mullins
Billy Sanders, - Pike County, KY
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Sanders, N Crystal
Arrest Age 31
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Sep 24, 2008
• theft by unlawful taking 0/300 8f594
• contempt of court, 7m1986 tms friend
• assaults - 4th degree 8f594
• criminal mischief - 3rd degree 8f594 rel per mullins
Crystal Sanders, - Pike County, KY
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Sanders, John
Arrest Age 49
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Feb 14, 2017
• terroristic threatening, pike, 2-14-17
• assault 4th, pike, 2-14-17 200 10% bail credit mullins
John Sanders, - Pike County, KY
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Sanders, Johnny
Arrest Age 17
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Sep 03, 2009
• assault 2nd degree 2000 10% or h/c friend
Johnny Sanders, - Pike County, KY
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Sanders, L Joshua
Arrest Age 33
Stopover, Pike, KY
Arrested Jan 19, 2009
• failure to appear, citation for misdemeanor see comm
• assault - 4th degree -(minor injury no medical attention
Joshua Sanders, - Pike County, KY
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Sanders, A Joshua
Arrest Age 20
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Apr 27, 2009
• contempt of court, 7t737 see comm
• contempt of court, 6t3706 see comm
• assault - 4th degree 9m975 mullins ror
Joshua Sanders, - Pike County, KY
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Sanders, L Joshua
Arrest Age 48
Elkhorn City, Pike, KY
Arrested Jul 30, 2007
• assaults 4th 2cts
Joshua Sanders, - Pike County, KY
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Sanders, L Joshua
Arrest Age 38
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Mar 09, 2003
• prescription cont. sub. not in proper container, 1st off
• assault - 4th degree surety nfc friend
Joshua Sanders, - Pike County, KY
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Sanders, Kerbie
Arrest Age 34
McVeigh, Pike, KY
Arrested Dec 02, 2010
• assault - 4th degree 10m2473 90 days mullins
• alcohol intoxication in a public place 10m2473
• coc 99ci1149 fc thompson
• burglary 3rd 8cr185 pike 5yr
• fleeingevading police 2nd on foot 10m2473
• resisting arrest 10m2473
• criminal mischief - 3rd degree 10m2473
Kerbie Sanders, - Pike County, KY
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Sanders, D Larry
Arrest Age 20
Kimper, Pike, KY
Arrested Apr 04, 2003
• assault 2nd degree fc tc hatfield
Larry Sanders, - Pike County, KY
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Sanders, K Michael
Arrest Age 32
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Apr 21, 2006
• assault - 4th degree -15 days
• pbv 42506-3038 fayette co
Michael Sanders, - Pike County, KY.
Sanders, K Michael
Arrest Age 36
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Nov 14, 2002
• assault - 4th degree - surety friend
Michael Sanders, - Pike County, KY
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Sanders, Rex
Arrest Age 43
Pikeville, Pike, KY
Arrested Aug 22, 2011
• coc 10t4561 ror mullins
• assault 4th 11m1841 dismissed mullins
Rex Sanders, - Pike County, KY
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