ᐅ Kentucky Assault and Battery (KY)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Breckinridge County, Kentucky


Last names: #Waddell   #Waddle   #Wade   #Wadi   #Wagers   #Wages   #Wales   #Walker   #Wallace   #Wallett   #Walley   #Walther   #Wamble   #Ward   #Warfield   #Waser  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Waddell, Nichole Brittney
Arrest Age 27
Hardinsburg, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Dec 09, 2019
• assault in the 4th degree causing minor injury
Brittney Waddell, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Waddell, Coleman James
Arrest Age 23
Arrested Jan 08, 2021
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) no visible injury
James Waddell, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Waddell, Coleman James
Arrest Age 17
Hawesville, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Aug 09, 2018
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
James Waddell, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Waddell, Jeffrey Robert
Arrest Age 58
Owensboro, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Jul 01, 2011
• assault under extreme emotional disturba
Robert Waddell, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Waddle, A Mark
Arrest Age 29
Hudson, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Feb 17, 2001
• assault - 4th degree - (minor injury no
• assault - 4th degree - (minor injury no
Mark Waddle, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Wade, David Paul
Arrest Age 51
Radcliff, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Sep 23, 2015
• assault under extreme emotional disturbance
• unlawful possession of meth precursor, 1st off
Paul Wade, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Wadi, Saleem Zakee
Arrest Age 27
Lexington, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Sep 14, 2004
• assault under extreme emotional disturba
Zakee Wadi, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Wagers, Lee Pleaz
Arrest Age 49
Hardinsburg, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Nov 01, 2013
• assault in the 4th degree causing minor injury
Pleaz Wagers, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Wages, Adam Chase
Arrest Age 34
Hawesville, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Sep 21, 2015
• poss cont sub, 3rd degree - drug unspecified
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Chase Wages, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Wales, Henry Robert
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Jul 10, 2003
• assault-2nd degree-public official-ident
• assault-3rd degree-inmate assault on cor
• theft by unlawful taking/disp-farm equip
Robert Wales, - Breckinridge County, KY.
Walker, Wayne Adam
Arrest Age 39
Sadieville, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Apr 01, 2013
• fleeing or evading police, 1st degree (on foot)
• assault, 4th degree (domestic) 3rd or > w/i 5 years
Adam Walker, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Walker, Wayne Adam
Arrest Age 25
Radcliff, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Sep 09, 2005
• 1st degree wanton endangerment
• assault, 2nd degree
• 1st degree wanton endangerment
Adam Walker, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Walker, L Brenda
Arrest Age 38
Irvington, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested May 25, 2000
• assault in the fourth
• assault in the fourth
Brenda Walker, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Walker, Russell Gene
Arrest Age 20
Elk City, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Sep 10, 2013
• disorderly conduct, 1st degree
• assault 3rd degree-police officer or prob officer
• resisting arrest
Gene Walker, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Walker, Darlene Tonisha
Arrest Age 29
Irvington, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Nov 19, 2009
• resisting arrest (m) {ucr:
• assault in the 4th degree causing minor injury
Tonisha Walker, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Walker, Darlene Tonisha
Arrest Age 40
Guston, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Dec 07, 2015
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Tonisha Walker, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Wallace, Timothy Larry
Arrest Age 25
Hardinsburg, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Mar 31, 2007
• aggravated assault-4th degree-spouse abu
• aggravated assault-4th degree-spouse abu
Larry Wallace, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Wallace, William Nicholas
Arrest Age 53
Irvington, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Dec 17, 2013
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
• wanton endangerment-2nd degree
Nicholas Wallace, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Wallett, Jean Amanda
Arrest Age 17
Lewisport, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Jun 02, 2014
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Amanda Wallett, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Wallett, Jean Amanda
Arrest Age 40
North Sioux City, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Dec 11, 2015
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
Amanda Wallett, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Walley, Paul Jason
Arrest Age 30
Brandenburg, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Dec 17, 2014
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence) no visible injury
Jason Walley, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Walley, Paul Jason
Arrest Age 25
Hardinsburg, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Nov 28, 2013
• assault domestic violence causing minor injury in the 4th degree
• menacing
Jason Walley, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Walley, Paul Jason
Arrest Age 18
Harned, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Aug 30, 2019
• assault in the 4th degree causing minor injury
Jason Walley, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Walley, Paul Jason
Arrest Age 56
Garfield, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Oct 20, 2018
• criminal mischief 2nd degree
• disorderly conduct in the 2nd degree
• impersonating a peace officer
• assault 3rd degree-police officer or prob officer
• persistent felony offender ii
• possession of marijuana
• disarming a peace officer
Jason Walley, - Breckinridge County, KY.
Walther, Lee Frank
Arrest Age 27
Cloverport, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Jul 05, 2011
• criminal mischief-3rd degree
• failure to pay support
• assault 4th degree (physical contact)
• probation violation (for misdemeanor off
• harassing communications
• terroristic threatening in the 3rd degree
Frank Walther, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Wamble, Aaron William
Arrest Age 43
Falls of Rough, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Dec 05, 2010
• assault, 4th degree (domestic violence)
William Wamble, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Ward, J Doris
Arrest Age 25
Elizabethtown, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Apr 04, 2001
• aggravated assaults - 4th degree
• aggravated assaults - 4th degree
Doris Ward, - Breckinridge County, KY
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Warfield, E Christopher
Arrest Age 30
Saint-André-en-Morvan, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Jul 18, 2003
• assault 4th degree-minor injury-no medic
• assault 4th degree-minor injury-no medic
Christopher Warfield, - Breckinridge County, KY.
Warfield, E Christopher
Arrest Age 19
Arrested Apr 20, 2001
• assault 4th.
Christopher Warfield, - Breckinridge County, KY.
Waser, Alan Tod
Arrest Age 29
Owensboro, Breckinridge, KY
Arrested Dec 07, 2011
• oper mtr veh u/influ alc/drgus/etc. .08
• assault, 1st degree
• 1st degree wanton endangerment
Tod Waser, - Breckinridge County, KY
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