ᐅ Oregon Assault and Battery (OR)

First degree assault in Oregon is a Class A felony which will result in punishment of up to 20 years in prison and fines up to $375,000. Second degree assault in Oregon is a Class B felony which will accrue up to 10 years in jail and fines up to $250,000.

Arrest Records By County - Oregon (OR)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Jackson County, Oregon


Last names: #Augustine   #Auker   #Austin   #Avaloz-Meza   #Avant   #Avera   #Avery   #Avey   #Avila   #Avina   #Axhelm   #Ayala   #Ayer   #Ayers  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Augustine, Kathleen Janiey
Arrest Age 42
Arrested Sep 06, 2018
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~menacing
• contempt of court - 1
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~assault 4
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~harassmen
Janiey Augustine, - Jackson County, OR
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Auker, James Steven
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Dec 15, 2017
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~harassmen
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~assault 4
Steven Auker, - Jackson County, OR
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Austin, Rose Marty
Arrest Age 38
Arrested Jan 04, 2019
• harassment - 1
• fail to appear 1st deg - 1~assault i
• interfere w/peace officer
• resisting arrest
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~assault 4
• assault 4th deg - 1
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~harassmen
• assault 2nd deg
Marty Austin, - Jackson County, OR
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Austin, Lloyd Thomas
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Jul 14, 2018
• assault 4th deg - 2 domestic violenc
• drive under influence intox - 3
Thomas Austin, - Jackson County, OR
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Avaloz-Meza, Isaias Alejandro
Arrest Age 48
Arrested Jun 16, 2020
• harassment - 1
• assault 4th deg - 2
Alejandro Avaloz-Meza, - Jackson County, OR.
Avaloz-Meza, Isaias Alejandro
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Apr 11, 2018
• fail to appear 1st deg - 1~weapon us
• parole violation~pcs meth
• fail to appear 1st deg - 1~weapon us
• fail to appear 1st deg - 1~uumv
• fail to appear 1st deg - 1~att assau
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~endanger
Alejandro Avaloz-Meza, - Jackson County, OR
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Avant, James Zachary
Arrest Age 36
Arrested Jul 11, 2015
• assault 4th deg - 2
• harassment - 1
Zachary Avant, - Jackson County, OR
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Avera, Marlene Marissa
Arrest Age 20
Arrested May 03, 2014
• harassment - 1
• assault 4th deg - 1
• assault 3rd deg
Marissa Avera, - Jackson County, OR
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Avery, Leon Joshua
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Jun 15, 2017
• contempt of court - 1
• assault 4th deg - 4 domestic abuse
• contempt of court - 1
Joshua Avery, - Jackson County, OR
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Avery, Leon Joshua
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Jun 06, 2015
• harassment - 1
• assault 4th deg - 1
Joshua Avery, - Jackson County, OR
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Avey, Marie Shawna
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Mar 24, 2014
• unlawful possess heroin
• assault on a police officer
• unl possess methamphetamine - 1
Shawna Avey, - Jackson County, OR
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Avila, Wayne David
Arrest Age 38
Arrested Feb 22, 2014
• ocw - fta assault 3
• interfere w/peace officer
• harassment - 1
• resisting arrest
David Avila, - Jackson County, OR
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Avila, Mitchell Emmett
Arrest Age 51
Arrested Apr 14, 2020
• assault 4th deg - 2
• harassment - 1
• assault 4th deg - 2
Emmett Avila, - Jackson County, OR.
Avila, Mitchell Emmett Arrested Dec 16, 2021
• 162.195: fta2 unlawful use of stun gun, tear gas, or mace 2
• 164.365: criminal mischief 1st degree
• 162.195: fta2 assault 4th degree misdemeanor
• 162.195: fta2 assault 4th degree misdemeanor
• 162.195: fta2 unlawful possession of methamphetamine misdemeanor
• 162.195: fta2 unlawful possession of methamphetamine misdemeanor
• 162.195: fta2 unlawful use of stun gun, tear gas, or mace 2
Emmett Avila, - Jackson County, OR
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Avila, Paul-James Jack
Arrest Age 36
Arrested Feb 09, 2016
• harassment - 1
• contempt of court - 2~viol restrain
• parole violation~fail reg sex off ad
• contempt of court - 2~viol restrain
• assault 4th deg - 2
Jack Avila, - Jackson County, OR
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Avina, Ramon Ricardo
Arrest Age 49
Arrested May 30, 2020
• harassment - 1
• harassment - 1
• resisting arrest
• interfere w/peace officer
• assault 4th deg - 2
Ricardo Avina, - Jackson County, OR.
Axhelm, Lee Kevin
Arrest Age 42
Arrested May 12, 2018
• harassment - 1
• assault 4th deg - 4 domestic abuse
Kevin Axhelm, - Jackson County, OR
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Ayala, Marie Deztiney
Arrest Age 49
Arrested Sep 24, 2020
• 161.405: att unlawful entry into a motor vehicle (uemv)
• 164.395: robbery 3rd degree
• 166.025: disorderly conduct 2nd degree
• 163.160: assault 4th degree misdemeanor
Deztiney Ayala, - Jackson County, OR
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Ayer, Wayne Micheal
Arrest Age 36
Arrested Jul 22, 2016
• interfere w/peace officer
• parole violation~attempted assault i
• resisting arrest
Micheal Ayer, - Jackson County, OR
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Ayers, Alan Kenneth
Arrest Age 51
Arrested Sep 10, 2020
• 162.205: fta1 assault 3rd degree
• 162.205: fta1 aggravated harassment
• 162.205: fta1 assault 2nd degree
Kenneth Ayers, - Jackson County, OR
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