ᐅ Oregon Assault and Battery (OR)

First degree assault in Oregon is a Class A felony which will result in punishment of up to 20 years in prison and fines up to $375,000. Second degree assault in Oregon is a Class B felony which will accrue up to 10 years in jail and fines up to $250,000.

Arrest Records By County - Oregon (OR)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Linn County, Oregon


Last names: #Bell   #Bendel   #Benitez-Garcia   #Bennington   #Benson   #Bentley   #Benton   #Benz   #Berger   #Bergeron   #Berkey   #Berlanga   #Bermudez   #Berrigan   #Berst   #Berto   #Bervin   #Bettelyoun   #Beyer   #Bidwell   #Bingham  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Bell, Scott Eric
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Mar 16, 2018
• menacing - simple aslt domestic
• menacing - simple aslt domestic
• point firearm at another - dis conduct
Eric Bell, - Linn County, OR
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Bell, Kenneth
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 39
Arrested Oct 28, 2014
• aslt iv/ domest(misd
• inter w/make report
Kenneth Bell, - Linn County, OR
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Bendel, David Brandon
Arrest Age 42
Arrested Jul 07, 2017
• assault 4 - mis
• probation violation
Brandon Bendel, - Linn County, OR
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Benitez-Garcia, Michael Eduardo
Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Nov 15, 2020
• strangulation - fel
• assault 4 - mis
Eduardo Benitez-Garcia, - Linn County, OR
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Bennington, Sue Gloria
Arrest Age 19
Arrested Jul 11, 2017
• poss methamphetamine
• fail to appear-bench warrant
• assault 4 - mis
• fail to appear-bench warrant
• fl perf comm serv m u
Gloria Bennington, - Linn County, OR
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Bennington, Sue Gloria
Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Dec 15, 2017
• criminal trespass 2
• false info to police officer - false info
• resisting arrest - simple aslt
• theft 3 - shoplift
Gloria Bennington, - Linn County, OR
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Benson, Joel
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Feb 13, 2014
• harassment
• strangulation
• inter w/make report
• strangulation
• aslt iv - dom (fel)
Joel Benson, - Linn County, OR
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Benson, John
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Jan 28, 2015
• assault pub off
John Benson, - Linn County, OR
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Bentley, Allen-Drake Tadyn
Arrest Age 36
Arrested Feb 22, 2018
• assault 4 - mis
• probation violation
• parole violation - warrant
• probation violation
Tadyn Bentley, - Linn County, OR
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Benton, Mark Daniel
Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 24
Arrested Nov 11, 2020
• theft 2 - shoplift
• viol restraining order
• assault 3
• resisting arrest - simple aslt
• escape 1
• reckless driving
• elude vehicle
• reckless endangering
Daniel Benton, - Linn County, OR
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Benton, Mark Daniel
Arrest Age 50
Arrested Aug 13, 2018
• contempt of court
• harassment physical contact/simple assault
Daniel Benton, - Linn County, OR
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Benton, Allen Donald
Bond: $100000
Arrest Age 37
Arrested Nov 29, 2018
• assault 4 - mis
• uuv
• fail to appear-bench warrant
• assault 2
• robbery 1 - other
• uuv
• fail to appear-bench warrant
• fail to appear-bench warrant
• fail to appear-bench warrant
• assault 4 - mis
Donald Benton, - Linn County, OR
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Benz, Brandon Christopher
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 37
Arrested May 22, 2020
• assault 4 - fel domestic
Christopher Benz, - Linn County, OR
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Berger, Henry William
Arrest Age 43
Arrested Feb 03, 2017
• aslt iv - dom (fel)
William Berger, - Linn County, OR
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Bergeron, Cordell Ian
Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 27
Arrested Jan 18, 2017
• fta - bench warrant
• reck driving
• reck endanger
• fta - bench warrant
• fta - bench warrant
• aslt iii
• fta - bench warrant
• aslt iv/misd
Ian Bergeron, - Linn County, OR
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Berkey, Curtis
Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 27
Arrested Nov 01, 2014
• aslt iv/misd
Curtis Berkey, - Linn County, OR
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Berlanga, Bobby John
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 22
Arrested Aug 23, 2020
• assault 4 - fel domestic
• reckless endangering
John Berlanga, - Linn County, OR
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Bermudez, Christopher
Arrest Age 41
Arrested Apr 19, 2020
• criminal mischief 3 - result criminal act
• fta on cite
• interfere w/ making a report
• fl perf comm serv m u
• parole violation - warrant
• assault 4 - mis
Christopher Bermudez, - Linn County, OR
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Berrigan, George Darrell
Bond: $6000
Arrest Age 48
Arrested Jan 13, 2019
• fail to perform duties/driver - injury
• reckless driving
• assault 4 - mis
• reckless endangering - simple aslt
Darrell Berrigan, - Linn County, OR
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Berrigan, George Darrell
Arrest Age 17
Arrested Jun 19, 2019
• criminal trespass 2
• reckless endangering - simple aslt
• uuv
• elude vehicle
• reckless driving
• poss burglars tools
• poss methamphetamine (misd)
Darrell Berrigan, - Linn County, OR
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Berst, Jessica
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 41
Arrested Oct 27, 2015
• aslt ii
• crim tres 2
• parole viol
Jessica Berst, - Linn County, OR
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Berto, Carl Casey
Bond: $1078
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Mar 27, 2017
• fug fm other st
• un poss marijuana
• aslt iv/fel
• contempt of court
• fl perf comm serve
• contempt of court
• parole viol
• fug fm other st
Casey Berto, - Linn County, OR
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Bervin, Elizabeth Brittany
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 50
Arrested Sep 05, 2018
• harassment physical contact/simple assault
• viol restraining order
Brittany Bervin, - Linn County, OR
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Bervin, Anson Derek
Bond: $50000
Arrested Oct 12, 2021
• assault 4 - simple aslt domestic
Derek Bervin, - Linn County, OR
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Bettelyoun, William Clint
Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 44
Arrested Apr 18, 2019
• strangulation - mis
• fail to appear-bench warrant
• fail to appear-bench warrant
• escape 3
• fail to appear-bench warrant
• assault 4 - mis
• theft 3 - other
• theft 3 - other
• fail to appear 1
• fail to appear-bench warrant
• kidnapping 1 - addl criminal purpose
• fail to appear-bench warrant
Clint Bettelyoun, - Linn County, OR
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Bettelyoun, William Clint
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 60
Arrested Sep 09, 2019
• menacing - intimidate/thrt
• fail to appear-bench warrant
• criminal mischief 1 - result criminal act
• harassment physical contact/simple assault
Clint Bettelyoun, - Linn County, OR
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Bettelyoun, William Clint
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 57
Arrested Nov 10, 2019
• assault 4 - fel domestic
Clint Bettelyoun, - Linn County, OR
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Beyer, Tiffany
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Mar 16, 2015
• inter w/make report
• aslt iv/ domest(misd
Tiffany Beyer, - Linn County, OR.
Bidwell, Mitchell Chad
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 38
Arrested Aug 28, 2020
• assault 4 - fel domestic
Chad Bidwell, - Linn County, OR
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Bingham, James Samuel
Bond: $100000
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Jul 29, 2020
• kidnapping 2 - addl criminal purpose
• assault 4 - fel domestic
• strangulation - fel domestic
• harassment physical contact/simple assault
Samuel Bingham, - Linn County, OR
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