ᐅ Oregon Assault and Battery (OR)

First degree assault in Oregon is a Class A felony which will result in punishment of up to 20 years in prison and fines up to $375,000. Second degree assault in Oregon is a Class B felony which will accrue up to 10 years in jail and fines up to $250,000.

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Josephine County, Oregon


Last names: #Castellanos   #Castellanos-Arango   #Casten   #Castile   #Castillo   #Castillo-Biveros   #Castillo-Cuevas   #Castillo-Lam   #Castillo-Medel   #Castillo-Ortiz   #Castillo-Solano   #Castro-Castro   #Caswell   #Catalano   #Cataldo   #Cathey   #Cavagnaro   #Cavanagh   #Cavanaugh   #Cavett   #Cease   #Ceballos-Gutierrez   #Ceja-Torres   #Celestino-Dejesus   #Cenovio-Ordonez   #Chaffee  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Castellanos, Marie Monique
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 31
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Dec 14, 2007
• assault 4th deg$7500
• assault 4th deg/dom
Monique Castellanos, - Josephine County, OR
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Castellanos-Arango, Alberto Mario
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 18
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Nov 16, 2005
• drive under influence intox
• assault 3rd deg
• manslaughter 2nd deg$50000
• recklessly endangering
• assault 4th deg
Mario Castellanos-Arango, - Josephine County, OR.
Casten, Rudolph Jay
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Dec 31, 2009
• assault 4th deg-4 domestic abuse$7500
Jay Casten, - Josephine County, OR.
Castile, Elias John
Arrest Age 27
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Oct 05, 2010
• reckless driving
• unlawful possess heroin
• theft 2nd deg
• felon in possession of weapon - 2
• recklessly endangering
• unlawful manufacture heroin
• assault 4th deg
• felon in possession of weapon - 2
• drive under influence intox
• unlawful deliver heroin
John Castile, - Josephine County, OR
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Castillo, Gino Mario
Arrest Age 36
Medford, Josephine, OR
Arrested Jan 06, 2009
• assault 4th deg
Mario Castillo, - Josephine County, OR
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Castillo, James Michael
Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 17
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Aug 24, 2006
• unl possess methamphetamine$15000
• assault 4th deg$10000
• probation violation/bg1
Michael Castillo, - Josephine County, OR.
Castillo-Biveros, Lynn Raul
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 21
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Dec 11, 2006
• assault 4th deg$7500
Raul Castillo-Biveros, - Josephine County, OR.
Castillo-Cuevas, Wayne Emiliano
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 22
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Oct 12, 2006
• probation violation/fail to reg sex off
• assault 4th deg$7500
Emiliano Castillo-Cuevas, - Josephine County, OR.
Castillo-Lam, James-Ray Ernesto
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Sep 17, 2006
• strangulation
• assault 4th deg$7500
• theft 1st deg
• criminal mischief 2nd deg
• robbery 3rd deg$10000
• unlawful entry into motor veh
Ernesto Castillo-Lam, - Josephine County, OR
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Castillo-Medel, Ozelle Jose
Arrest Age 40
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Apr 02, 2012
• post prison supervision sanction
Jose Castillo-Medel, - Josephine County, OR
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Castillo-Ortiz, Marie Gabriel
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 56
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Sep 26, 2009
• disorderly conduct
• assault 4th deg$7500
• assault 4th deg
Gabriel Castillo-Ortiz, - Josephine County, OR
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Castillo-Solano, Cesar Javier
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 53
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Nov 29, 2009
• assault 4th deg-4 domestic abuse$7500
Javier Castillo-Solano, - Josephine County, OR
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Castro-Castro, Humberto Mario
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 26
Selma, Josephine, OR
Arrested Aug 29, 2010
• assault 4th deg-7 witness by minor child$5000
• menacing
• attempt to commit crime - strangulation
• criminal mischief 2nd deg
Mario Castro-Castro, - Josephine County, OR
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Caswell, Ray Sigmund
Arrest Age 42
Coos Bay, Josephine, OR
Arrested Apr 28, 2008
• assault 4th deg
Sigmund Caswell, - Josephine County, OR.
Catalano, Thomas Anthony
Bond: $50000
Arrested Jun 05, 2021
• contempt of court (cleared)$5000
• assault 4th deg (cleared)
• criminal mistreatment 1st deg (cleared)$50000
• felon in possession of weapon/restricted firearm (cleared)$10000
Anthony Catalano, - Josephine County, OR
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Cataldo, Anthony Richard
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 28
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Apr 04, 2007
• assault 4th deg$7500
• harassment-1
Richard Cataldo, - Josephine County, OR
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Cataldo, Anthony Richard
Arrest Age 16
Merlin, Josephine, OR
Arrested Jan 26, 2006
• unlawful use/carry dangerous weapo
• robbery 2nd deg
• assault 3rd deg
• assault 2nd deg
• false report-initiating
• robbery 2nd deg
• unauthorized use motor vehicle
• unlawful use/carry dangerous weapo
Richard Cataldo, - Josephine County, OR.
Cathey, Marie Angela
Arrest Age 38
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Apr 01, 2004
• assault 4th deg
Angela Cathey, - Josephine County, OR.
Cathey, Dayne Kevin
Arrest Age 26
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Apr 27, 2004
• assault 4th deg
Kevin Cathey, - Josephine County, OR.
Cathey, Dayne Kevin
Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 27
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested May 16, 2004
• menacing
• assault 4th deg - felony/dom$15000
• harassment-1
Kevin Cathey, - Josephine County, OR
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Cavagnaro, Jane Cassie
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 48
Arrested Apr 26, 2021
• assault 4th deg (cleared)
• unlawful possession of methamphetamine (cleared)
• out of county hold - warrant (cleared)$5000
• false information to a police officer (cleared)
• reckless driving (cleared)
Cassie Cavagnaro, - Josephine County, OR
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Cavanagh, Michael John
Arrest Age 19
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Jul 30, 2008
• drive under influence intox
• criminal mischief 2nd deg
• assault public safety officer
• menacing
• resisting arrest
• hit and run-vehicle-property
• criminal mischief 2nd deg statute:
• criminal mischief 2nd deg
• reckless driving
• hit and run-vehicle-property
• assault public safety officer
John Cavanagh, - Josephine County, OR.
Cavanaugh, Anthony John
Arrest Age 30
Wolf Creek, Josephine, OR
Arrested Mar 06, 2008
• criminal mischief 1st deg
• robbery 1st deg
• reckless driving
• assault 2nd deg
• us marshall hold
• drive under influence intox
John Cavanaugh, - Josephine County, OR
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Cavett, Jo Susan
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 39
Medford, Josephine, OR
Arrested Jun 28, 2011
• assault 4th deg$7500
Susan Cavett, - Josephine County, OR
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Cease, Harrison William
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 38
Medford, Josephine, OR
Arrested Apr 24, 2007
• robbery 3rd deg
• theft 3rd deg$5000
• assault 4th deg
William Cease, - Josephine County, OR
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Ceballos-Gutierrez, Ruben
Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 44
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Nov 03, 2010
• unlawful use/carry dangerous weapo$15000
• menacing
• assault 4th deg
• assault 3rd deg
Ruben Ceballos-Gutierrez, - Josephine County, OR.
Ceja-Torres, Michael Adan
Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 37
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Aug 09, 2011
• assault 4th deg
• assault 4th deg - felony$15000
• assault 4th deg
• probation violation/pcs
Adan Ceja-Torres, - Josephine County, OR
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Celestino-Dejesus, Angel Vidan
Arrest Age 26
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Apr 21, 2008
• assault 4th deg
• interfere w/making a report
• reckless driving
• menacing
• drive under influence intox
Vidan Celestino-Dejesus, - Josephine County, OR
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Cenovio-Ordonez, Amber Benito
Arrest Age 24
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Mar 30, 2009
• assault 4th deg
Benito Cenovio-Ordonez, - Josephine County, OR.
Chaffee, Lee David
Bond: $250000
Arrest Age 36
Arrested Oct 22, 2018
• unlawful use/carrying a dangerous weapon
• strangulation
• unlawful possession methamphetamine misd
• assault 2nd deg
• robbery 1st deg$250000
• theft 2nd deg
David Chaffee, - Josephine County, OR
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