ᐅ Oregon Assault and Battery (OR)

First degree assault in Oregon is a Class A felony which will result in punishment of up to 20 years in prison and fines up to $375,000. Second degree assault in Oregon is a Class B felony which will accrue up to 10 years in jail and fines up to $250,000.

Arrest Records By County - Oregon (OR)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Linn County, Oregon


Last names: #Cartwright   #Casas   #Casey   #Cass   #Cassidy   #Castillo-Castro   #Castle   #Caudill   #Cavender   #Cavyell   #Centeno   #Chaffin   #Challe   #Chambers   #Chandler   #Chaparro   #Chasteen   #Chavarria   #Chess   #Chiou   #Chohan   #Christensen   #Christian   #Christofferson  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Cartwright, Andrew
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 37
Arrested Apr 11, 2015
• fl perf comm serve
• aslt iv/ domest(misd
Andrew Cartwright, - Linn County, OR
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Casas, Caine Zachary
Bond: $50000
Arrested Oct 01, 2021
• assault 4 - simple aslt domestic
Zachary Casas, - Linn County, OR
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Casey, William Shane
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 53
Arrested Oct 18, 2018
• strangulation - fel domestic
• harassment (1c) tel/elec/writ thrt-intim/thrt
• interfere w/ making a report
• assault 4 - fel domestic
Shane Casey, - Linn County, OR
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Cass, Allen Edward
Bond: $12000
Arrest Age 30
Arrested May 17, 2020
• unlaw use of weapon - agg aslt
• menacing - simple aslt domestic
Edward Cass, - Linn County, OR
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Cassidy, Michael Sean
Arrest Age 41
Arrested Oct 01, 2020
• assault 4 - mis
• parole violation - warrant
• resisting arrest - simple aslt
Sean Cassidy, - Linn County, OR
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Cassidy, Michael Sean
Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Feb 18, 2021
• fail to appear-bench warrant
• fail to appear-bench warrant
• fail to appear-bench warrant
• fail to appear-bench warrant
• assault 4 - mis
Sean Cassidy, - Linn County, OR
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Castillo-Castro, Paulino
Bond: $3000
Arrested Aug 23, 2021
• harassment physical contact/simple assault
• criminal mischief 2 - vandalism
• criminal mischief 2 - vandalism
Paulino Castillo-Castro, - Linn County, OR
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Castillo-Castro, Paulino
Bond: $3250
Arrest Age 50
Arrested Jul 16, 2019
• assault 4 - mis
• interfere w/ peace officer - dis conduct
• harassment physical contact/simple assault
• resisting arrest - simple aslt
Paulino Castillo-Castro, - Linn County, OR.
Castle, Dewayne Dale
Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 51
Arrested Nov 19, 2019
• criminal mischief 3 - result criminal act
• harassment physical contact/simple assault
Dale Castle, - Linn County, OR.
Castle, Dewayne Dale
Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 24
Arrested Aug 08, 2018
• assault 3 - simple aslt
Dale Castle, - Linn County, OR.
Caudill, Lynn Jessica
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Feb 25, 2017
• aslt iv/misd
• crim misch 2
• burglary ii
• burglary ii
• harassment
• theft 2
Jessica Caudill, - Linn County, OR
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Cavender, John Cristofer
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 48
Arrested Jan 13, 2018
• strangulation - mis domestic
• assault 4 - fel domestic
Cristofer Cavender, - Linn County, OR.
Cavyell, Lee Eric
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Nov 26, 2018
• fl perf comm serv m u
• assault 4 - fel
• driving under the influence of intoxicants
Eric Cavyell, - Linn County, OR
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Centeno, Leigh Brandy
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Sep 08, 2019
• assault 4 - fel domestic
Brandy Centeno, - Linn County, OR
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Chaffin, Dee Sandra
Arrest Age 27
Arrested Oct 27, 2018
• harassment physical contact/simple assault
Sandra Chaffin, - Linn County, OR
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Challe, Leah Victoria
Bond: $3000
Arrested Mar 12, 2022
• harassment physical contact/simple assault
• resisting arrest - dis conduct
• criminal trespass 1
Victoria Challe, - Linn County, OR.
Chambers, Janett Ashley
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 50
Arrested May 09, 2017
• assault 4 - fel domestic
Ashley Chambers, - Linn County, OR.
Chandler, Elizabeth Anna
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Apr 16, 2018
• assault 4 - simple aslt domestic
Anna Chandler, - Linn County, OR
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Chaparro, Justin
Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 68
Arrested Feb 28, 2014
• un use of weapon
• assault pub off
• resist arrest
• un poss firearms
Justin Chaparro, - Linn County, OR
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Chasteen, Lynn Jeremiah
Bond: $300000
Arrested May 28, 2022
• sodomy 1 - forcible
• sexual penetration 1 w/ object x 3
• sex abuse 1 - sex aslt w/ object
• fail to appear-bench warrant
• rape 1 - forcible
Jeremiah Chasteen, - Linn County, OR.
Chavarria, Nickolas Derek
Bond: $3000
Arrested May 13, 2022
• criminal mischief 3 - result criminal act
• assault 2
• burglary 1 - residence
• fail to appear-bench warrant
• felon in poss of restricted weapon
• probation violation
Derek Chavarria, - Linn County, OR.
Chess, Allan Brendon
Arrest Age 38
Arrested Jun 23, 2019
• criminal trespass 1
• resisting arrest - simple aslt
Brendon Chess, - Linn County, OR
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Chiou, Hunjong Allen
Arrest Age 36
Arrested Nov 12, 2018
• parole violation - warrant
• resisting arrest - simple aslt
• felon in poss of restricted weapon
• elude foot
• poss methamphetamine (misd)
Allen Chiou, - Linn County, OR
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Chohan, Francis Thomas
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 37
Arrested Feb 18, 2020
• harassment physical contact/simple assault
Thomas Chohan, - Linn County, OR
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Chohan, Francis Thomas
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Mar 29, 2018
• assault 4 - simple aslt domestic
Thomas Chohan, - Linn County, OR.
Christensen, Eric Dale
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 50
Arrested Jun 24, 2019
• sex abuse 1 - physical molest
• harassment physical contact/simple assault
• sex abuse 3 - physical molest
Dale Christensen, - Linn County, OR
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Christensen, Merrill Howard
Bond: $200000
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Sep 07, 2016
• aslt iii
• robbery ii
Howard Christensen, - Linn County, OR
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Christensen, Brian Matthew
Arrest Age 55
Arrested Apr 01, 2016
• driving under the influence of intoxicants
• kidnapping ii fel
• aslt iv/ domest(misd
Matthew Christensen, - Linn County, OR
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Christian, Tyson Charles
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 27
Arrested Jul 11, 2018
• harassment physical contact/simple assault
• assault 4 - simple aslt domestic
Charles Christian, - Linn County, OR
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Christofferson, Joann Samantha
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Jan 07, 2018
• assault 4 - simple aslt domestic
Samantha Christofferson, - Linn County, OR
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