ᐅ Oregon Assault and Battery (OR)

First degree assault in Oregon is a Class A felony which will result in punishment of up to 20 years in prison and fines up to $375,000. Second degree assault in Oregon is a Class B felony which will accrue up to 10 years in jail and fines up to $250,000.

Arrest Records By County - Oregon (OR)

Benton Clackamas  Clatsop  Columbia  Crook  Deschutes  Douglas  Jackson  Jefferson  Josephine  Lane  Lincoln  Linn  Marion  Multnomah  Polk  Umatilla  Union  Wasco  Yamhill 

Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Benton County, Oregon


Last names: #Jackson   #Jake   #James   #Jamieson   #Jans   #Jansson   #Jardine   #Jarvis   #Jeffers   #Jenkins   #Jennings   #Jimenez   #Johnson  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Jackson, Wayne Jeffrey
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Jul 20, 2014
• assault 2nd deg
• hold lincoln co
Jeffrey Jackson, - Benton County, OR
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Jackson, Wayne Jeffrey
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Oct 21, 2014
• assault 2nd deg
Jeffrey Jackson, - Benton County, OR
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Jackson, Wayne Jeffrey
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Oct 27, 2015
• assault 4th degree notes: cror
Jeffrey Jackson, - Benton County, OR
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Jackson, Dawn Summer
Arrest Age 44
Arrested Aug 10, 2015
• crim trespass ii notes: cror
• assault public safety officer notes: cror
• dis con ii notes: da no file
• resisting arrest notes: cror
• interf w/peace officer notes: cror
Summer Jackson, - Benton County, OR
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Jake, Richard Adrian
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Nov 30, 2016
• assault 4th degree notes: cite
Adrian Jake, - Benton County, OR
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James, Joe Jimmy
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Jan 06, 2014
• criminal mistreatment 1st deg
• criminal mistreatment 1st deg
• pps hold marion co.
• assault 3rd deg
• child neglect 2nd deg notes: dism
Jimmy James, - Benton County, OR
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Jamieson, Ann Areany
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Apr 28, 2017
• assault iv dv notes: bail
Areany Jamieson, - Benton County, OR
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Jamieson, Ann Areany
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Nov 14, 2015
• agg harassment
• fel assault iv
Areany Jamieson, - Benton County, OR
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Jans, Walter Luke
Arrest Age 20
Arrested Apr 06, 2018
• fta ii
• theft in the 3rd degree
• assault 4th degree
• probation violation
• strangulation
• pcs meth
• fta ii
Luke Jans, - Benton County, OR
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Jansson, Rose Ashlynn
Arrest Age 52
Arrested May 14, 2019
• assault iv dv notes: cror
Ashlynn Jansson, - Benton County, OR
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Jardine, Warren Neil
Arrest Age 55
Arrested Apr 29, 2017
• assault iv dv
Neil Jardine, - Benton County, OR
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Jarvis, Wray Jason
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Jan 04, 2017
• dis con ii
• assault public safety officer
• harassment
• reck endangering
Jason Jarvis, - Benton County, OR
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Jeffers, Ray Donald
Arrest Age 49
Arrested Nov 03, 2020
• … notes: assault 2 - attempte
Donald Jeffers, - Benton County, OR
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Jenkins, Anthony Brad
Arrest Age 56
Arrested Jul 10, 2016
• assault iv dv notes: cite
Brad Jenkins, - Benton County, OR.
Jenkins, Anthony Brad
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Jul 24, 2015
• assault iv dv
Brad Jenkins, - Benton County, OR
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Jenkins, Anthony Brad
Arrest Age 53
Arrested Aug 18, 2015
• probation violation notes: sent serv
• probation violation notes: sent serv
• probation violation notes: sent serv
• assault 4th degree notes: sent serv
Brad Jenkins, - Benton County, OR
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Jenkins, Robert Jordan
Arrest Age 47
Arrested Oct 28, 2016
• harassment
• assault 4th degree
Jordan Jenkins, - Benton County, OR.
Jennings, William Jered
Arrest Age 64
Arrested Jul 08, 2018
• assault 4th degree notes: cror
Jered Jennings, - Benton County, OR
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Jennings, Michael Jeremy
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Jul 21, 2018
• strangulation
• strangulation
• assault iv dv
Jeremy Jennings, - Benton County, OR
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Jimenez, Benjamin Anthony
Arrest Age 55
Arrested Aug 24, 2013
• harassment
• assault 4th deg
Anthony Jimenez, - Benton County, OR
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Jimenez, Brian-Richard Waco
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Jul 22, 2019
• … notes: fta assault - marion
Waco Jimenez, - Benton County, OR.
Johnson, Anthony James
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Jan 20, 2015
• fta - harassment
• fta - fta ii x2
• fta - harassment x2
• fta - att. assault ii
• fta - theft iii
• fta - assault iv
• fta - disorderly conduct ii
• fta - disorderly conduct ii x3
• fta - att. commit c felony
James Johnson, - Benton County, OR
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Johnson, Clay Jeffrey
Arrest Age 72
Arrested Jun 19, 2013
• dv - assault iv
• unl use weapon
• interfere w/ peace officer
• pink slip detainer
• attempted assault public safety officer
• menacing
Jeffrey Johnson, - Benton County, OR
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Johnson, Kc Levi
Arrest Age 56
Arrested Jun 25, 2014
• unl use weapon
• dv - menacing
• dv - assault iv
• harassment
Levi Johnson, - Benton County, OR
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Johnson, Kc Levi
Arrest Age 44
Arrested Dec 12, 2015
• fel assault iv
Levi Johnson, - Benton County, OR.
Johnson, Tracy Raymond
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Feb 18, 2017
• assault iv dv
• assault iv dv
• strangulation
Raymond Johnson, - Benton County, OR
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Johnson, Robert William
Arrest Age 24
Arrested May 10, 2014
• assault 4th degree
William Johnson, - Benton County, OR
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Johnson, Robert William
Arrest Age 39
Arrested Oct 22, 2013
• fta - assault iv notes: cror
William Johnson, - Benton County, OR
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Johnson, Robert William
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Nov 23, 2018
• theft in the 2nd degree
• robbery iii
• pps violation
• assault 4th degree
• dis con ii
• harassment
• contempt of court
William Johnson, - Benton County, OR
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Johnson, Robert William
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Sep 14, 2015
• assault 4th degree notes: fta cror
• uemv notes: fta cror
William Johnson, - Benton County, OR
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