ᐅ Oregon Assault and Battery (OR)

First degree assault in Oregon is a Class A felony which will result in punishment of up to 20 years in prison and fines up to $375,000. Second degree assault in Oregon is a Class B felony which will accrue up to 10 years in jail and fines up to $250,000.

Arrest Records By County - Oregon (OR)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Clackamas County, Oregon


Last names: #Kargianis   #Karsten   #Karussos   #Kaseweter   #Katanic   #Kathrein   #Katko   #Katzen   #Kauffman   #Kavouris   #Kay   #Kearns   #Keatleylane   #Kee   #Keel   #Keeler   #Keiling   #Keith   #Kelland   #Keller  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Kargianis, Anderson
Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Feb 22, 2015
• harassment$3500
• pcs-meth$15000
• probation violation pcs-meth
• dcs-meth$25000
• assault public safety officer$15000
• resisting arrest$7500
• interfering with peace officer$7500
Anderson Kargianis, - Clackamas County, OR
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Kargianis, Mae Kylee
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 57
Arrested Jul 29, 2017
• assault iv-apa$10000
Kylee Kargianis, - Clackamas County, OR
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Karsten, Samuel Brian
Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Jan 27, 2021
• failure to appear assault iv$25000 notes:
• failure to appear harassment
• failure to appear harassment
• disorderly conduct ii
• harassment
Brian Karsten, - Clackamas County, OR.
Karussos, Georgette Tiffany
Bond: $3500
Arrest Age 45
Arrested Sep 26, 2016
• disorderly conduct ii$3500
• assault public safety officer$15000
Tiffany Karussos, - Clackamas County, OR.
Kaseweter, Ryan Jeremy
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Feb 08, 2014
• harassment apa$7500
• attempted assault iv$7500
• viol of release agreement$7500
Jeremy Kaseweter, - Clackamas County, OR
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Katanic, Harlan Trevor
Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 44
Arrested Jun 24, 2020
• failure to appear pcs-meth$25000 notes:
• failure to appear assault iv$20000 notes:
Trevor Katanic, - Clackamas County, OR.
Kathrein, Ernest Adam
Arrest Age 37
Arrested Oct 04, 2019
• probation violation assault iv
Adam Kathrein, - Clackamas County, OR
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Katko, Dianna Liza
Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 24
Arrested Dec 08, 2018
• failure to appear resisting arrest
• failure to appear harassment
• driving while suspended/revoke$2500
• failure to appear assault public safety officer
• failure to appear harassment
• failure to appear assault iv
• failure to appear assault iv
Liza Katko, - Clackamas County, OR
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Katzen, Neal Brian
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 20
Arrested Oct 08, 2015
• menacing-apa$7500
• menacing-apa$7500
• pointing firearm at another$3500
• carrying a con
• menacing-apa$7500
• menacing-apa$7500
• pointing firearm at another$3500
• pointing firearm at another$3500
• pointing firearm at another$3500
• assault iv- apa$7500
Brian Katzen, - Clackamas County, OR
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Kauffman, Marie Carey
Arrest Age 49
Arrested Aug 22, 2016
• probation violation crim mischief i
• probation violation harassment
• probation violation assault iv
Carey Kauffman, - Clackamas County, OR
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Kauffman, Evan Douglas
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Jun 29, 2016
• probation violation strangulation
• probation violation menacing
• probation violation assault iv
Douglas Kauffman, - Clackamas County, OR
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Kavouris, Trinafyllos Kostas
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Aug 14, 2018
• probation violation assault public safety officer
• probation violation harassment
Kostas Kavouris, - Clackamas County, OR
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Kay, Sam Dylan
Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Dec 27, 2016
• probation violation assault iv
• probation violation menacing
• theft in the 3rd degree$1500
Dylan Kay, - Clackamas County, OR
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Kearns, Scott Brandon
Bond: $250000
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Apr 30, 2019
• menacing$2500
• assault ii$250000
Brandon Kearns, - Clackamas County, OR
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Kearns, Allen Daren
Arrest Age 25
Arrested May 09, 2016
• probation violation assault iv
• probation violation menacing
• probation violation strangulation
Daren Kearns, - Clackamas County, OR
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Keatleylane, Lynn Barbara
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Aug 20, 2018
• disorderly conduct ii
• assault 4th degree
• harassment
Barbara Keatleylane, - Clackamas County, OR
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Kee, John Kinsey
Arrest Age 50
Arrested Dec 20, 2013
• assault 4th degree
• recklessly endangering
• driving under infl of intox
• assault 4th degree
• recklessly endangering
Kinsey Kee, - Clackamas County, OR
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Kee, John Kinsey
Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Oct 17, 2015
• assault iv apa$15000
Kinsey Kee, - Clackamas County, OR
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Keel, Martin Christopher
Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Oct 15, 2015
• failure to appear coercion
• failure to appear assault iv$20000
Christopher Keel, - Clackamas County, OR
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Keeler, Evan Mitchel
Bond: $1250
Arrested Jan 11, 2022
• probation violation att assault i
• crim trespass i$6250 notes:
• probation violation bias crime i
• probation violation att assault i
• theft in the 3rd degree$1250 notes:
• probation violation crim mischief i
• probation violation unlaw use of weapon
• probation violation unlaw use of weapon
Mitchel Keeler, - Clackamas County, OR.
Keeler, Evan Mitchell
Arrest Age 49
Arrested Feb 23, 2022
• probation violation assault iv
Mitchell Keeler, - Clackamas County, OR.
Keeler, Sera Arrested Oct 11, 2021
• failure to appear harassment
• failure to appear assault iv
• failure to appear crim trespass ii
• failure to appear att assault iv
• failure to appear att assault public safety offic
• failure to appear disorderly conduct ii
Sera Keeler, - Clackamas County, OR.
Keiling, Lynn Cassandra
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 62
Arrested May 15, 2021
• assault public safety officer$10000 notes:
• attempt elude police officer$10000 notes:
• resisting arrest$2500 notes:
• assault public safety officer$10000 notes:
Cassandra Keiling, - Clackamas County, OR.
Keith, Keith
Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 24
Arrested Sep 02, 2020
• strangulation$2500 notes:
• assault 4th degree$2500 notes:
• unlaw use of weapon$10000 notes:
Keith Keith, - Clackamas County, OR.
Keith, Keith
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 117
Arrested Jun 13, 2021
• assault iv apa$10000 notes:
• strangulation apa$40000 notes:
Keith Keith, - Clackamas County, OR.
Keith, Keith
Arrest Age 27
Arrested May 20, 2019
• probation violation assault iv
Keith Keith, - Clackamas County, OR
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Kelland, Mathews Brock
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 54
Arrested Apr 03, 2015
• assault 4th degree$7500
• probation violation pcs-meth
Brock Kelland, - Clackamas County, OR.
Keller, David Frank
Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Mar 22, 2014
• unlaw use of weapon$15000
• attempted assault ii$25000
Frank Keller, - Clackamas County, OR
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Keller, David Frankie
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 44
Arrested Aug 17, 2020
• assault iv apa$10000 notes:
Frankie Keller, - Clackamas County, OR.
Keller, Garrett Ralph
Bond: $40000
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Jun 17, 2017
• assault iv apa$40000
• strangulation apa$15000
Ralph Keller, - Clackamas County, OR
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