ᐅ Oregon Assault and Battery (OR)

First degree assault in Oregon is a Class A felony which will result in punishment of up to 20 years in prison and fines up to $375,000. Second degree assault in Oregon is a Class B felony which will accrue up to 10 years in jail and fines up to $250,000.

Arrest Records By County - Oregon (OR)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Jackson County, Oregon


Last names: #Labelle   #Labrec   #Labrecque   #Lacer   #Lachapelle   #Lacombe   #Lacy   #Ladd   #Lafrance   #Lagace   #Lagarto   #Lagoy   #Lahr   #Laine   #Lair   #Lajimodiere   #Lamensdorf   #Lammers   #Landers   #Landes   #Landis  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Labelle, Samuel Steven
Arrest Age 43
Arrested Jan 21, 2020
• false info-police ofc-crim off
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~theft ii
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~crim mis
• fail to appear 1st deg - 1~theft i
• parole violation~assault 2
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~trespass
• fail to appear 1st deg - 1~pcs/meth
• use stun gun/tear gas/mace 2nd deg
Steven Labelle, - Jackson County, OR
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Labelle, Samuel Stevn
Arrest Age 36
Arrested Jan 18, 2015
• criminal mischief 3rd deg
• harassment - 1
• assault 4th deg - 1
• strangulation - 1
• strangulation - 1
• strangulation - 1
Stevn Labelle, - Jackson County, OR
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Labrec, Joseph Randy
Arrest Age 39
Arrested Sep 03, 2015
• assault 3rd deg
• assault 4th deg - 1
• reckless driving
• assault 3rd deg
• assault 2nd deg
• drive under influence intox - 3
Randy Labrec, - Jackson County, OR
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Labrecque, Jack Christopher
Arrest Age 50
Arrested Oct 03, 2018
• harassment - 1
• assault 4th deg - 1
Christopher Labrecque, - Jackson County, OR.
Lacer, Ray Kevin
Arrest Age 27
Arrested May 16, 2015
• probation violation~assault iv
Kevin Lacer, - Jackson County, OR
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Lachapelle, Dakota-Lee Jerry
Arrest Age 50
Arrested May 05, 2021
• 811.540: attempting to elude police by foot
• 811.140: reckless driving
• 163.195: reckless endangering
• 811.540: attempting to elude police by vehicle
• 137.545: pv assault 4th degree felony - domestic abuse
Jerry Lachapelle, - Jackson County, OR
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Lacombe, Joseph Aaron
Arrest Age 50
Arrested Jun 30, 2020
• assault 3rd deg
• harassment - 1
Aaron Lacombe, - Jackson County, OR
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Lacombe, Joseph Aaron
Arrest Age 51
Arrested Dec 19, 2020
• 163.195: reckless endangering
• 161.405: att assault 1st degree
• 163.195: reckless endangering
• 166.220: unlawful use of a weapon
• 166.220: unlawful use of a weapon
• 161.405: att assault 1st degree
• 166.220: unlawful use of a weapon
• 166.220: unlawful use of a weapon
• 163.195: reckless endangering
• 161.405: att assault 1st degree
Aaron Lacombe, - Jackson County, OR
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Lacombe, Joseph Aaron
Arrest Age 27
Arrested Nov 18, 2018
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~assault 4
• parole violation~att use/carry dangr
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~harassmen
Aaron Lacombe, - Jackson County, OR
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Lacy, Scott Damian
Arrest Age 40
Arrested Feb 24, 2017
• assault 4th deg - 2 domestic violenc
• harassment - 1
• probation violation~coercion
Damian Lacy, - Jackson County, OR
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Lacy, Scott Damian
Arrest Age 27
Arrested Nov 01, 2016
• attempt to commit crime - 2~assault
• theft 3rd deg - 1
• burglary 2nd deg
• robbery 1st deg
• att use/carry dangerous weapon
Damian Lacy, - Jackson County, OR
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Ladd, David Gregory
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Jul 07, 2017
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~assault 4
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~strangula
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~pv reck e
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~pv reck d
Gregory Ladd, - Jackson County, OR
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Lafrance, Edward Damon
Arrest Age 44
Arrested Sep 30, 2014
• custody violator-parv assault 4 f
• parole violation~assault iv/fel
Damon Lafrance, - Jackson County, OR
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Lagace, Marie Monnett
Arrest Age 27
Arrested Jan 21, 2014
• assault 4th deg - 1
Monnett Lagace, - Jackson County, OR
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Lagarto, Belarmino Alvin
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Jan 02, 2014
• assault 4th deg - 1
• harassment - 1
• contempt of court - 1
• assault 4th deg - 2
• contempt of court - 1
Alvin Lagarto, - Jackson County, OR
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Lagoy, Lee Terrie
Arrest Age 19
Arrested Feb 29, 2016
• interfering w/making a report
• harassment - 1
• strangulation - 1
• assault 4 m dv
Terrie Lagoy, - Jackson County, OR
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Lahr, Sternal Derek
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Oct 19, 2017
• probation violation~assault on offic
Derek Lahr, - Jackson County, OR
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Laine, Christine Gail Arrested Jun 25, 2021
• 137.545: pv assault 3rd degree
Gail Laine, - Jackson County, OR
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Lair, S Timothy
Arrest Age 36
Arrested May 20, 2019
• disorderly conduct 2nd deg
• criminal trespass in the 2nd degree
• assault 4th deg - 1
• ocw fta duii
• assault 4th deg - 1
Timothy Lair, - Jackson County, OR
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Lair, Shawn Timothy
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Dec 16, 2016
• fail to appear 1st deg - 1~assault i
• fail to appear 1st deg - 1~pcs/heroi
• out of county warrant - fta pcs/he
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~assault 4
• fail to appear 1st deg - 1~pcs/mj > 4
• fail to appear 1st deg - 1~pcs/mj > 4
Timothy Lair, - Jackson County, OR
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Lajimodiere, Arlene Michelle
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Aug 29, 2016
• probation violation~assault iv
Michelle Lajimodiere, - Jackson County, OR
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Lamensdorf, Charles Travis
Arrest Age 52
Arrested Apr 16, 2016
• assault 4th deg - 4 domestic abuse
• harassment - 1
• strangulation - 1
• harassment - 1
Travis Lamensdorf, - Jackson County, OR
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Lamensdorf, Charles Travis
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Aug 22, 2015
• assault 4th deg - 1
• disorderly conduct 2nd deg
Travis Lamensdorf, - Jackson County, OR
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Lammers, W Thorson
Arrest Age 51
Arrested Jul 19, 2018
• parole violation~assault 3
Thorson Lammers, - Jackson County, OR
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Landers, Patrick Joseph
Arrest Age 40
Arrested Jun 17, 2014
• parole violation~assault 3
Joseph Landers, - Jackson County, OR
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Landers, W Trevor Arrested Jul 26, 2021
• 137.545: pv assault on a peace or public safety officer
Trevor Landers, - Jackson County, OR
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Landers, Weston Trevor
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Oct 08, 2017
• assault 4th deg - 1
Trevor Landers, - Jackson County, OR
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Landers, W Trevor
Arrest Age 45
Arrested Nov 29, 2017
• probation violation~assault iv
• probation violation~assault iv
• probation violation~assault iv
Trevor Landers, - Jackson County, OR
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Landes, Sam
Arrest Age 23
Arrested Aug 16, 2014
• recklessly endangering
• recklessly endangering
• criminal mischief 2nd deg
• assault 4th deg - 1
• assault 4th deg - 1
• reckless driving
• recklessly endangering
• drive under influence intox - 3
Sam Landes, - Jackson County, OR
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Landis, Cody
Arrest Age 63
Arrested Apr 09, 2018
• assault 2nd deg
Cody Landis, - Jackson County, OR
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