ᐅ Oregon Assault and Battery (OR)

First degree assault in Oregon is a Class A felony which will result in punishment of up to 20 years in prison and fines up to $375,000. Second degree assault in Oregon is a Class B felony which will accrue up to 10 years in jail and fines up to $250,000.

Arrest Records By County - Oregon (OR)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Clackamas County, Oregon


Last names: #Moorthy   #Morales   #Moraleslara   #Moralestorres   #Moramendez   #Morehead   #Morehouse   #Moreno   #Morenojorge   #Morey   #Morfin   #Morgabeltran   #Morgan   #Morgenstern   #Morin   #Morley   #Morris  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Moorthy, Daren Krishna
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 48
Arrested Jul 12, 2020
• assault iv apa$10000 notes:
Krishna Moorthy, - Clackamas County, OR.
Morales, Marie Alecia
Arrest Age 21
Arrested Oct 13, 2019
• probation violation att assault i
Alecia Morales, - Clackamas County, OR
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Morales, Rafael Eddy
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Oct 16, 2020
• coercion
• menacing
• contempt - punitive
• strangulation
• harassment
• assault 4th degree
Eddy Morales, - Clackamas County, OR.
Morales, Marie Gabriel
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 19
Arrested Aug 27, 2019
• assault iv apa$10000
Gabriel Morales, - Clackamas County, OR
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Morales, G Lorenzo
Arrest Age 27
Arrested Oct 25, 2018
• probation violation att assault public officer
Lorenzo Morales, - Clackamas County, OR
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Moraleslara, Ruben Mario
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Mar 12, 2017
• failure to appear assault iv
• failure to appear driving under infl of intox
Mario Moraleslara, - Clackamas County, OR.
Moralestorres, Abad Carlos
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Sep 18, 2015
• probation violation assault iv
Carlos Moralestorres, - Clackamas County, OR
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Moramendez, Irving Marcos
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Jan 24, 2015
• contact the county notes: liability statement
• duii - alcohol$7500 notes: recogged
• probation violation assault iv
Marcos Moramendez, - Clackamas County, OR
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Morehead, Eva
Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 59
Arrested Jan 10, 2020
• failure to appear assault iv$2500 notes: posted
• failure to appear harassment
• failure to appear disorderly conduct ii
Eva Morehead, - Clackamas County, OR
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Morehead, Williams Levister
Bond: $2500
Arrested May 31, 2022
• theft in the 2nd degree$2500 notes: recogged
• probation violation theft ii
• robbery iii$5000 notes:
• probation violation assault public safety officer
• probation violation harassment
• probation violation assault iv
• crim trespass i$2500 notes: recogged
Levister Morehead, - Clackamas County, OR.
Morehouse, Kenneth Clayton
Arrest Age 60
Arrested Jul 29, 2020
• probation violation assault iv
• probation violation harassment
Clayton Morehouse, - Clackamas County, OR.
Moreno, Ermalinda
Arrest Age 47
Arrested Jan 19, 2022
• probation violation duii
• probation violation assault iv apa
Ermalinda Moreno, - Clackamas County, OR.
Morenojorge, Rutilo
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 55
Arrested Sep 11, 2021
• assault iv apa$10000 notes:
Rutilo Morenojorge, - Clackamas County, OR.
Morey, Russ Damon
Bond: $40000
Arrest Age 52
Arrested Feb 12, 2016
• failure to appear assault iv$40000
• fail to appear ii$7500 notes: not a lodgeable char
• failure to appear harassment
Damon Morey, - Clackamas County, OR
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Morey, Oshea Whitney
Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 45
Arrested Oct 29, 2015
• strangulation apa$15000
• assault iv apa$7500
Whitney Morey, - Clackamas County, OR
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Morfin, Manuel Cristian
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 41
Arrested Sep 04, 2014
• contempt of court
• contempt of court
• harassment
• contempt of court
• harassment
• assault 4th degree
• contempt of court
• viol of release agreement$20000 notes: dismissed
• assault 4th degree$50000
Cristian Morfin, - Clackamas County, OR
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Morfin, Martin Edgar
Arrest Age 23
Arrested Apr 01, 2014
• probation violation assault iv
Edgar Morfin, - Clackamas County, OR
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Morfin, Martin Edgar
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 22
Arrested Jan 14, 2015
• contact the county notes: liability statement
• assault iv-apa$7500
Edgar Morfin, - Clackamas County, OR
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Morgabeltran, Gerardo
Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 24
Arrested Feb 25, 2020
• assault 4th degree$20000
• felon poss of restrict weapon$30000
• escape iii
• resisting arrest
• probation violation contempt of court
• probation violation theft ii
• pro
• pcs-meth$50000
• crim trespass ii
• probation violation assault iv
• felon poss of restrict weapon
Gerardo Morgabeltran, - Clackamas County, OR
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Morgan, Lee Conan
Bond: $250000
Arrest Age 31
Arrested May 25, 2019
• unlaw use of weapon$10000
• attempted murder
• assault i$250000
Conan Morgan, - Clackamas County, OR
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Morgan, Sable Haley
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 40
Arrested Apr 21, 2016
• assault iv-apa$7500
Haley Morgan, - Clackamas County, OR
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Morgan, Roxanne Kimberly
Arrest Age 29
Arrested May 09, 2015
• probation violation assault iv
Kimberly Morgan, - Clackamas County, OR
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Morgan, James Kody
Arrest Age 53
Arrested Oct 23, 2019
• probation violation assault iv
• parole violation
• probation violation assault iv
• probation violation assault iv
Kody Morgan, - Clackamas County, OR
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Morgan, Dee-Amalia Shauni
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Apr 04, 2017
• attempted assault iv$7500
• harassment
Shauni Morgan, - Clackamas County, OR
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Morgenstern, Lee Mishka
Bond: $2500
Arrest Age 39
Arrested Feb 17, 2022
• failure to appear theft iii
• probation violation theft ii
• failure to appear theft iii$2500 notes:
• probation violation crim mischief ii
• probation violation identity theft
• failure to appear theft iii$2500 notes:
• probation violation pcs-meth
• probation violation att assault pub safety officer
Mishka Morgenstern, - Clackamas County, OR.
Morin, Patrick John
Arrest Age 22
Arrested Mar 03, 2016
• probation violation assault public safety officer
• probation violation interfering with peace officer
• probation violation harassment
• probation violation resisting arrest
• probation violation escape ii
John Morin, - Clackamas County, OR
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Morley, Allan Charles
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Apr 17, 2014
• probation violation harassment
• probation violation assault iv
Charles Morley, - Clackamas County, OR
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Morris, Jo Bobby
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 51
Arrested Apr 18, 2021
• assault 4th degree
• menacing
• viol of restraining order$5000 notes:
• harassment
• strangulation$40000 notes:
• menacing
Bobby Morris, - Clackamas County, OR.
Morris, Ray James
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Jul 03, 2017
• theft in the 3rd degree
• probation violation assault iv
• unauth departure
• carrying a concealed weapon
James Morris, - Clackamas County, OR
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Morris, James Michael
Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 54
Arrested Oct 28, 2014
• assault iv apa$15000
• contact the county notes: liability statement
• harassment$3500
Michael Morris, - Clackamas County, OR
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