ᐅ Oregon Assault and Battery (OR)

First degree assault in Oregon is a Class A felony which will result in punishment of up to 20 years in prison and fines up to $375,000. Second degree assault in Oregon is a Class B felony which will accrue up to 10 years in jail and fines up to $250,000.

Arrest Records By County - Oregon (OR)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Polk County, Oregon


Last names: #Montes   #Moody   #Moore   #Morales   #Moreland   #Morgan   #Morley   #Morris   #Morse   #Mortimer   #Mosley   #Mudgett   #Mudong   #Mulcare   #Mullins   #Munoz-Rodriguez   #Murray   #Muskevitsch   #Myers  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Montes, Efren Arrested Nov 17, 2019
• assault 4th deg
Efren Montes, - Polk County, OR.
Moody, Keith Vincent
Bond: $5500
Arrested Jan 17, 2020
• hold mcl (harass aslt4 dis con)
Vincent Moody, - Polk County, OR
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Moore, Alan Chester
Bond: $25000
Arrested Jan 19, 2017
• fta bw assault 4 16cr69692$25000 notes: 10% bail authorized
• fta bw harassment 16cr69692
Chester Moore, - Polk County, OR
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Moore, Dylan Jacob Arrested Sep 06, 2019
• assault 2nd deg
Jacob Moore, - Polk County, OR
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Moore, Lynn Patricia
Bond: $15000
Arrested Aug 31, 2018
• assault 4th deg felony$15000 notes: 10% bail authorized
Patricia Moore, - Polk County, OR
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Moore, Jo Samantha Arrested May 10, 2014
• fta / fail to carry/present 10m0150
• fta prob viol poss meth 13p3298
• post prison supv sanction 13cr00528 rel 08/07/14
• unl possess methamphetamine 14cr05716
• fta prob viol assault 4 13p50617
Samantha Moore, - Polk County, OR
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Morales, Lourdes
Bond: $15000
Arrested Aug 10, 2017
• resisting arrest$7500 notes: 10% bail authorized
• assault 4th deg(felony domestic)$25000 notes: 10% bail authorized
• assault public safety officer$15000 notes: 10% bail authorized
Lourdes Morales, - Polk County, OR
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Moreland, Keith Jonathan Arrested Aug 19, 2020
• assault 4th deg
Jonathan Moreland, - Polk County, OR.
Morgan, Brent Lance
Bond: $5000
Arrested Jan 12, 2017
• unlawful use of weapon$15000 notes: 10% bail authorized
• harassment (physical contact)$5000 notes: 10% bail authorized
• harassment (physical contact)$5000 notes: 10% bail authorized
• menacing$7500 notes: 10% bail authorized
• assault 4th deg$7500 notes: 10% bail authorized
Lance Morgan, - Polk County, OR
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Morgan, Candice Rebecca
Bond: $25000
Arrested Feb 16, 2017
• fta- assault in the fourth degree$25000 notes: co-bail
• fta- disorderly conduct$25000 notes: co-bail
• fta- harassment$25000 notes: co-bail
Rebecca Morgan, - Polk County, OR
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Morgan, Francis Shane
Bond: $15000
Arrested Sep 26, 2017
• attempt to commit crime$15000 notes: 10% bail authorized
• assault 4th deg (domestic)
Shane Morgan, - Polk County, OR
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Morley, Kelly Vincent
Bond: $7500
Arrested Oct 06, 2018
• strangulation$15000 notes: 10% bail authorized
• assault 3rd deg$7500 notes: 10% bail authorized
• interfere w/making a report$7500 notes: 10% bail authorized
Vincent Morley, - Polk County, OR
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Morris, Michael Shane Arrested Oct 20, 2013
• post prison supv sanction 101234987**rel110813**this only
• disorderly conduct 2nd deg 13p3529
• disorderly conduct 2nd deg 13p51007
• assault 4th deg - 1 13p51007
• assault 2nd deg 13p3529
• assault 4th deg - 1 13p3529
Shane Morris, - Polk County, OR
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Morse, Edward-Adams Samuel
Bond: $10000
Arrested Mar 23, 2015
• assault 4th deg (dom- misd)$10000 notes: 10% bail authorized
Samuel Morse, - Polk County, OR
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Mortimer, Lee Ricky Arrested Nov 16, 2013
• harassment - 1 13p51057
• assault 4th deg - 1 13p51057
Ricky Mortimer, - Polk County, OR
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Mosley, Grant Shelby Arrested Sep 25, 2014
• assault 4th deg - 1 14cr22147
• unl possess methamphetamine - 3 14cr22147
Shelby Mosley, - Polk County, OR
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Mudgett, Ross Jeffery
Bond: $15000
Arrested Nov 05, 2018
• assault 3rd deg$15000 notes: 10% bail authorized
• criminal conspiracy-agg aslt$15000 notes: 10% bail authorized
• assault 4th deg$7500 notes: 10% bail authorized
Jeffery Mudgett, - Polk County, OR
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Mudong, Renee Amber
Bond: $7500
Arrested Dec 26, 2016
• harassment
• assault 4th deg$7500 notes: 10% bail authorized
Amber Mudong, - Polk County, OR
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Mulcare, Michael Brian Arrested Oct 10, 2014
• strangulation 14cr24260 cnt 5
• assault 4th deg - 1 dom 14cr24260 cnt 1
• assault 4th deg - 1 14cr24260 cnt 4
• harassment - 1 14cr24260 cnt 2
• menacing - 1 14cr24260 cnt 3
• harassment - 1 14cr24260 cnt 6
Brian Mulcare, - Polk County, OR
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Mullins, Neal Robert Arrested Oct 06, 2014
• bw fta harassment count 5
• bw fta strangulation count 1
• fail to appear 2nd deg count 6
• bw fta att assault 4th deg count 4
• bw fta att assault 4th deg count 2
• bw fta harassment count 3
• fail to appear 2nd deg count 7
Robert Mullins, - Polk County, OR
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Munoz-Rodriguez, Ivan Jorge
Bond: $7500
Arrested Oct 13, 2015
• unlawful use of weapon
• recklessly endangering$7500 notes: 10% bail authorized
• coercion
• menacing$7500 notes: 10% bail authorized
• assault 4th deg (domestic)
• involuntary servitude 1nd deg
Jorge Munoz-Rodriguez, - Polk County, OR
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Munoz-Rodriguez, Diehl Tony Arrested Jul 01, 2021
• hold benton county ( theft-2, assault-4, burg-1, robbery-3,
Tony Munoz-Rodriguez, - Polk County, OR
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Murray, Robert George
Bond: $25000
Arrested May 17, 2021
• assault 4th deg fel domestic
George Murray, - Polk County, OR
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Murray, Robert George Arrested Jul 01, 2021
• hold benton county (duii, harassment, assault-4, assault off.)
George Murray, - Polk County, OR
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Muskevitsch, Keith Kenneth
Bond: $15000
Arrested Aug 15, 2020
• assault 4th deg(domestic)
Kenneth Muskevitsch, - Polk County, OR
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Myers, Claire Alyssia Arrested Sep 04, 2020
• hold mari ( pv assault 3 )
Alyssia Myers, - Polk County, OR
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Myers, Lynn Traci Arrested Jul 31, 2018
• harassment 18cr50749
• assault 4th deg 18cr50749
Traci Myers, - Polk County, OR
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