ᐅ Oregon Assault and Battery (OR)

First degree assault in Oregon is a Class A felony which will result in punishment of up to 20 years in prison and fines up to $375,000. Second degree assault in Oregon is a Class B felony which will accrue up to 10 years in jail and fines up to $250,000.

Arrest Records By County - Oregon (OR)

Benton  Clackamas  Clatsop  Columbia  Crook  Deschutes  Douglas  Jackson Jefferson  Josephine  Lane  Lincoln  Linn  Marion  Multnomah  Polk  Umatilla  Union  Wasco  Yamhill 

Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Jackson County, Oregon


Last names: #Norton   #Norwood   #Norwood-Walker   #Novotny   #Nuckolls   #Nugent   #Nunes   #Nunez   #Nunez-Gomez   #Nunn   #Nuno  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Norton, Linn Terry Arrested Jul 25, 2021
• 166.025: disorderly conduct 2nd degree
• 162.247: interfering with peace officer, parole, or probation officer
• 161.405: att assault on a peace or public safety officer
• 162.315: resisting arrest
Terry Norton, - Jackson County, OR
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Norwood, Marie Allie
Arrest Age 21
Arrested May 17, 2014
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~duii alco
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~assault 4
• fail to appear 1st deg - 1~assault i
Allie Norwood, - Jackson County, OR
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Norwood-Walker, Ann Shelly
Arrest Age 23
Arrested May 02, 2016
• probation violation~assault iv
• contempt of court - 1 - punitive
Shelly Norwood-Walker, - Jackson County, OR.
Norwood-Walker, Ann Shelly
Arrest Age 23
Arrested Sep 18, 2016
• probation violation~assault iv
Shelly Norwood-Walker, - Jackson County, OR
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Norwood-Walker, Ann Shelly
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Jun 27, 2015
• reckless driving
• assault 3rd deg
• drive under influence intox - 3
Shelly Norwood-Walker, - Jackson County, OR.
Novotny, Joseph Devin
Arrest Age 23
Arrested Jan 10, 2018
• assault 4th deg - 4 domestic abuse
Devin Novotny, - Jackson County, OR
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Nuckolls, Joseph Stephen
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Nov 24, 2018
• attempt to commit crime - 1~uumv
• robbery 3rd deg
• harassment - 1
• assault 4th deg - 1
Stephen Nuckolls, - Jackson County, OR
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Nugent, Gordon Trever
Arrest Age 49
Arrested Jun 28, 2019
• unl possess methamphetamine - 1
• harassment - 1
• disorderly conduct 2nd deg
• criminal driving-susp/revoked - 1
• assault 4th deg - 4
Trever Nugent, - Jackson County, OR
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Nugent, Gordon Trever
Arrest Age 46
Arrested Nov 24, 2017
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~resist ar
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~att aslt
• fail to appear 2nd deg - 1~att aslt
Trever Nugent, - Jackson County, OR
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Nugent, Gordon Trever
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Nov 12, 2015
• assault 4th deg - 2
• harassment - 1
Trever Nugent, - Jackson County, OR.
Nugent, Gordon Trever
Arrest Age 48
Arrested Dec 30, 2015
• assault 4th deg - 1
Trever Nugent, - Jackson County, OR
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Nunes, Ray Ty
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Jun 05, 2014
• probation violation~assault iii
Ty Nunes, - Jackson County, OR
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Nunez, Manuel Erlindo
Arrest Age 39
Arrested Feb 09, 2019
• strangulation - 1 domestic abuse
• assault 4th deg - 4
• menacing - 2 domestic abuse
• coercion
Erlindo Nunez, - Jackson County, OR
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Nunez-Gomez, Manuel Juan
Arrest Age 20
Arrested Nov 14, 2013
• assault 2nd deg
Juan Nunez-Gomez, - Jackson County, OR
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Nunez-Gomez, Ivan Kristian
Arrest Age 23
Arrested Sep 21, 2016
• parole violation~attempted assault 2
Kristian Nunez-Gomez, - Jackson County, OR
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Nunn, Charles Ronald
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Mar 26, 2020
• cust viol pv assault 4 m dv
Ronald Nunn, - Jackson County, OR.
Nunn, Charles Ronald
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Sep 24, 2018
• assault 2nd deg
Ronald Nunn, - Jackson County, OR.
Nunn, Charles Ronald
Arrest Age 22
Arrested Dec 18, 2017
• assault 4th deg - 4 domestic abuse
• prostitution - compelling
• trafficking in persons
• harassment - 1
Ronald Nunn, - Jackson County, OR
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Nuno, Z Andres
Arrest Age 36
Arrested Oct 17, 2018
• kidnapping 2nd deg
• coercion
• assault 4th deg - 2 domestic violenc
• harassment - 1
Andres Nuno, - Jackson County, OR.
Nuno, Z Andres
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Oct 28, 2017
• harassment - 1
• assault 4th deg - 7 witness by minor
Andres Nuno, - Jackson County, OR
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Nuno, Z Andres
Arrest Age 55
Arrested Jul 31, 2015
• assault 4th deg - 1
• harassment - 1
Andres Nuno, - Jackson County, OR
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