ᐅ Oregon Assault and Battery (OR)

First degree assault in Oregon is a Class A felony which will result in punishment of up to 20 years in prison and fines up to $375,000. Second degree assault in Oregon is a Class B felony which will accrue up to 10 years in jail and fines up to $250,000.

Arrest Records By County - Oregon (OR)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Josephine County, Oregon


Last names: #Oas   #Ober   #Ochesky   #Oconnell   #Odaugherty   #Oddone   #Odell   #Oden   #Odom   #Ogurek   #Older   #Olds   #Olin   #Olivas-Anrubio   #Oliver   #Olivera-Mejia   #Olney   #Olson   #Olszewski   #Ommert   #Oneal  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Oas, Rachael Kaitlyn
Arrest Age 38
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Jul 06, 2011
• probation violation/as3
• unlawful possess marij
• assault 4th deg
• assault 4th deg
• probation violation/pcs
Kaitlyn Oas, - Josephine County, OR
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Ober, Daniel Thomas
Arrest Age 27
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Oct 23, 2011
• assault 4th deg-4 domestic abuse
• post prison supv sanction/th1
Thomas Ober, - Josephine County, OR.
Ochesky, Neil Rodney
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 29
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Jan 17, 2011
• assault 4th deg-4 domestic abuse$7500
Rodney Ochesky, - Josephine County, OR
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Ochesky, Neil Rodney
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 22
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Mar 14, 2004
• assault 4th deg$7500
Rodney Ochesky, - Josephine County, OR
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Oconnell, Kenneth Lantz
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 51
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Jul 24, 2009
• assault 4th deg- domestic$7500
Lantz Oconnell, - Josephine County, OR.
Oconnell, Kenneth Lantz
Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 38
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Nov 27, 2008
• assault 4th deg-dom (fel)$15000
Lantz Oconnell, - Josephine County, OR.
Oconnell, Kenneth Lantz
Arrest Age 34
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Nov 20, 2008
• assault 4th deg
Lantz Oconnell, - Josephine County, OR
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Odaugherty, Floyd Gandalf
Arrest Age 50
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Jan 15, 2007
• criminal mischief 2nd deg
• assault 4th deg
Gandalf Odaugherty, - Josephine County, OR
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Oddone, John Vincent
Arrest Age 40
Sonoma, Josephine, OR
Arrested Jun 20, 2005
• criminal driving susp/revoked-2/fta
• assault 4th deg/fta
• post prison supv sanction/dwsr-f
• drive under influence intox/fta
• criminal driving susp/revoked-2/fta
Vincent Oddone, - Josephine County, OR.
Odell, George Joseph
Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 49
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Mar 20, 2009
• assault 3rd deg
• hold (in state)$25000
• recklessly endangering
• drive under influence intox
• probation violation/as4/rev
Joseph Odell, - Josephine County, OR
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Oden, Curtis Richard
Arrest Age 29
Sunny Valley, Josephine, OR
Arrested Apr 10, 2004
• post prison supv sanction/as2
• assault 3rd deg
• assault 4th deg - felony
• assault 4th deg - felony
• assault 2nd deg
Richard Oden, - Josephine County, OR
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Odom, Marie Michelle
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Jan 23, 2013
• interfere with a police officer
• attempt to commit a crime
• resisting arrest
• menacing
• assault public safety officer
• disorderly conduct
Michelle Odom, - Josephine County, OR
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Odom, Dawn Tabitha
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 24
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Sep 03, 2007
• assault 4th deg (dom)
• burglary 1st deg$50000
Tabitha Odom, - Josephine County, OR.
Odom, Dawn Tabitha
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 23
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Dec 29, 2007
• assault 4th deg$7500
Tabitha Odom, - Josephine County, OR
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Ogurek, Craig Barry
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 22
Merlin, Josephine, OR
Arrested Nov 06, 2007
• assault 4th deg /att$5000
• probation violation /ms1/fta drug court$25000
• disorderly conduct
Barry Ogurek, - Josephine County, OR
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Older, Lee Danny
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 37
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Oct 02, 2011
• theft 1st deg
• robbery 2nd deg
• theft 2nd deg
• assault 3rd deg$7500
Danny Older, - Josephine County, OR
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Olds, Tice Jesse
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 36
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Jan 21, 2015
• interfere with making a police report$7500 notes: int with 911
• harassment
• assault 4th deg - felony
Jesse Olds, - Josephine County, OR
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Olin, Lewis Casey
Arrest Age 61
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Jan 04, 2005
• assault 4th deg
Casey Olin, - Josephine County, OR.
Olivas-Anrubio, Cecil Juan
Arrest Age 27
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Jan 25, 2010
• robbery 2nd deg
• assault 2nd deg
• reckless driving
• robbery 1st deg
• contr
• unl possess methamphetamine
• unlawful use/carry dangerous weapo
• theft 3rd deg
• theft 2nd deg
• robbery 1st deg
• unlawful use/carry dangerous weapo
• controlled substance offense - pcs
Juan Olivas-Anrubio, - Josephine County, OR.
Oliver, Wagner Brett
Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 36
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Jan 07, 2008
• interfere w/making a report
• assault 4th deg/dom felony$15000
Brett Oliver, - Josephine County, OR
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Olivera-Mejia, Ann Ramon
Arrest Age 22
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Nov 27, 2006
• assault 3rd deg
Ramon Olivera-Mejia, - Josephine County, OR
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Olney, Ronald Timothy
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 32
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Aug 10, 2007
• assault 4th deg$7500
Timothy Olney, - Josephine County, OR.
Olson, Jay James
Arrest Age 30
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Oct 12, 2011
• assault 4th deg
James Olson, - Josephine County, OR
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Olson, Jay James
Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 38
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Nov 21, 2005
• harassment-1
• assault 4th deg$15000
James Olson, - Josephine County, OR.
Olson, Jay James
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 22
Medford, Josephine, OR
Arrested Jul 24, 2004
• assault 4th deg$7500
• harassment-1
• criminal mischief 2nd deg
• recklessly endangering
James Olson, - Josephine County, OR
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Olson, Josiah William
Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 36
Merlin, Josephine, OR
Arrested Jul 10, 2007
• assault 4th deg
• criminal mischief 2nd deg
• unl possess methamphetamine$20000
• burglary 1st deg$15000
William Olson, - Josephine County, OR
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Olson, Josiah William
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 44
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Aug 16, 2007
• assault 4th deg$5000
• probation violation
William Olson, - Josephine County, OR
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Olszewski, Stanley George
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 40
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested May 07, 2009
• resisting arrest-fta$20000
• assault 4th deg$35000
• criminal trespass 2nd deg-fta
• menacing (domestic)$5000
George Olszewski, - Josephine County, OR
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Ommert, June Elana
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 38
Arrested Apr 04, 2021
• assault 4th deg$10000
Elana Ommert, - Josephine County, OR
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Oneal, Patrick Aaron
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 28
Cave Junction, Josephine, OR
Arrested May 29, 2010
• assault 4th deg- dom$10000
• menacing-dom
• strangulation
Aaron Oneal, - Josephine County, OR
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