ᐅ Oregon Assault and Battery (OR)

First degree assault in Oregon is a Class A felony which will result in punishment of up to 20 years in prison and fines up to $375,000. Second degree assault in Oregon is a Class B felony which will accrue up to 10 years in jail and fines up to $250,000.

Arrest Records By County - Oregon (OR)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Linn County, Oregon


Last names: #Oard   #Obrien   #Odstrcil   #Ofsthun   #Ogbin   #Oilar   #Olds   #Olivas   #Olivier   #Olsen   #Olson   #Olvera   #Oneal   #Oneil   #Ordeman   #Orr   #Ortiz-Ramirez   #Ortiz-Rodriguez   #Orvis   #Osborne   #Osker   #Osullivan   #Ousley   #Overman  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Oard, Kenneth Shawn
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 27
Arrested Jul 14, 2016
• aslt iv/ domest(misd
• contempt of court
• fl perf comm serve
• fta - bench warrant
• probation violation
Shawn Oard, - Linn County, OR
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Oard, Eugene Timothy
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 23
Arrested May 08, 2017
• assault 4 - simple aslt domestic
Timothy Oard, - Linn County, OR.
Oard, Eugene Timothy
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Aug 28, 2016
• aslt iv/ domest(misd
Timothy Oard, - Linn County, OR
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Obrien, Moline Carey
Arrest Age 22
Arrested Apr 01, 2018
• poss methamphetamine (felony)
• poss heroin (felony)
• contempt of court
• assault 4 - simple aslt domestic
Carey Obrien, - Linn County, OR.
Odstrcil, Allen Michael
Bond: $475000
Arrest Age 24
Arrested Sep 06, 2018
• probation violation
• assault 2
• coercion - other
• contempt of court
Michael Odstrcil, - Linn County, OR
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Ofsthun, Michael Larry
Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Dec 06, 2019
• felon in poss of restricted weapon
• parole violation - warrant
• fail to appear on criminal citation
• resisting arrest - simple aslt
Larry Ofsthun, - Linn County, OR
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Ogbin, Leroy Richard
Bond: $6000
Arrest Age 42
Arrested Jun 17, 2019
• assault 3
Richard Ogbin, - Linn County, OR
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Oilar, Alan Joel
Bond: $3000
Arrested Sep 09, 2021
• probation violation
• harassment physical contact/simple assault
Joel Oilar, - Linn County, OR
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Olds, John Michael
Arrest Age 39
Arrested Oct 11, 2019
• harassment physical contact/simple assault
Michael Olds, - Linn County, OR
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Olivas, Brandon
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 38
Arrested Feb 26, 2015
• aslt iv/ domest(misd
• strangulation
Brandon Olivas, - Linn County, OR
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Olivas, Mark
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 27
Arrested May 29, 2014
• ins hold
• aslt iv - dom (fel)
Mark Olivas, - Linn County, OR
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Olivier, Eugene Ronald
Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 18
Arrested Apr 28, 2017
• criminal mischief 2 - result criminal act
• harassment physical contact/simple assault
• unlaw entry motor vehicle
• criminal mischief 3 - result criminal act
Ronald Olivier, - Linn County, OR.
Olsen, Joseph Daniel
Bond: $5000
Arrested Apr 27, 2022
• poss meth (misd - 2 grams or more)
• assault 3
• false info to police officer - false info
• assault 4 - fel domestic
• strangulation - fel
Daniel Olsen, - Linn County, OR.
Olsen, Allien Katie
Bond: $6000
Arrest Age 40
Arrested Jul 27, 2016
• aslt iii
• un use of weapon
Katie Olsen, - Linn County, OR
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Olson, Lee Chad
Arrest Age 45
Arrested May 22, 2019
• assault public safety officer - simple aslt
• criminal mischief 2 - result criminal act
• resisting arrest - dis conduct
Chad Olson, - Linn County, OR
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Olvera, Lizette Cynthia
Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 20
Arrested Mar 10, 2021
• assault 2
Cynthia Olvera, - Linn County, OR
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Oneal, Charles
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Apr 18, 2014
• aslt iv/ domest(misd
• dws/dwr a/misd
Charles Oneal, - Linn County, OR
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Oneal, Douglas Tyrone
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 55
Arrested Feb 24, 2019
• harassment physical contact/simple assault
• disorderly conduct 2
Tyrone Oneal, - Linn County, OR
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Oneil, Ray William
Bond: $100000
Arrest Age 20
Arrested Nov 04, 2017
• criminal mischief 3 - result criminal act
• assault 4 - fel domestic
• interfere w/ making a report
William Oneil, - Linn County, OR
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Ordeman, John Alexander
Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 54
Arrested Aug 19, 2016
• aslt iv/misd
• un use of weapon
• menacing
Alexander Ordeman, - Linn County, OR
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Orr, Benjamin Hoyt Arrested Aug 11, 2021
• fail to appear-bench warrant
• fail to appear-bench warrant
• criminal mischief 3 - result criminal act
• theft 2 - other
• harassment physical contact/simple assault
• fail to appear-bench warrant
• parole violation - warrant
Hoyt Orr, - Linn County, OR
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Orr, Robert
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Oct 15, 2014
• aslt iv/misd
Robert Orr, - Linn County, OR
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Ortiz-Ramirez, Rosauro
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 60
Arrested Jul 07, 2019
• fail to register sex offender
• parole violation - warrant
• assault 2 - domestic
Rosauro Ortiz-Ramirez, - Linn County, OR
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Ortiz-Rodriguez, Cristian
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 29
Arrested Jul 05, 2014
• aslt iv/ domest(misd
Cristian Ortiz-Rodriguez, - Linn County, OR
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Orvis, Edward Shayne Arrested Jul 08, 2021
• deliver meth-1000 ft school
• interfere w/ peace officer - dis conduct
• probation violation
• fail to appear-bench warrant
• deliver meth
• fail to appear-bench warrant
• fail to appear-bench warrant
• harassment physical contact/simple assault
• probation violation
• fail to appear-bench warrant
• fail to appear-ben
• fail to appear-bench warrant
• probation violation
• fail to appear-bench warrant
• burglary 1 - residence
• fail to appear-bench warrant
• poss methamphetamine (felony)
Shayne Orvis, - Linn County, OR
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Osborne, Lee Derek
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 43
Arrested Mar 03, 2017
• aslt iv/ domest(misd
Derek Osborne, - Linn County, OR
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Osker, Noel Marc
Arrest Age 51
Arrested Nov 14, 2019
• harassment physical contact/simple assault
• strangulation - fel domestic
Marc Osker, - Linn County, OR
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Osullivan, Patrick Joshua
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 40
Arrested Jan 22, 2018
• assault 4 - simple aslt domestic
Joshua Osullivan, - Linn County, OR
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Ousley, Willard
Bond: $6000
Arrest Age 24
Arrested Dec 03, 2015
• crim mistrea i
• aslt iii
Willard Ousley, - Linn County, OR
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Overman, Edward Daniel
Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 27
Arrested Dec 20, 2017
• disorderly conduct 2
• fail to appear 2
• criminal mischief 3 - vandalism
• escape 2
• resisting arrest - agg aslt
• assault public safety officer - simple aslt
• fail to appear on criminal citation
Daniel Overman, - Linn County, OR
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