ᐅ Oregon Assault and Battery (OR)

First degree assault in Oregon is a Class A felony which will result in punishment of up to 20 years in prison and fines up to $375,000. Second degree assault in Oregon is a Class B felony which will accrue up to 10 years in jail and fines up to $250,000.

Arrest Records By County - Oregon (OR)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Clackamas County, Oregon


Last names: #Probstfield   #Prodan   #Promitas   #Provine   #Prunty   #Pryor   #Puckett   #Pugnali   #Pukay   #Pulford   #Pursell   #Pustay   #Putman   #Putnam   #Puzzo   #Pyell   #Pylikhin   #Pymaube  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Probstfield, Kay Emily
Bond: $10000
Arrested Jul 23, 2021
• assault iv apa$10000 notes:
Emily Probstfield, - Clackamas County, OR.
Prodan, Mikhaylovich Yevgenly
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 22
Arrested May 31, 2016
• probation violation assault iv
• resisting arrest$7500
• false info to police$7500
• interfering with peace officer$7500
Yevgenly Prodan, - Clackamas County, OR
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Promitas, Jay Jeffrey
Bond: $10000
Arrested Apr 29, 2022
• strangulation apa$40000 notes:
• assault iv apa$10000 notes:
• crim trespass ii
• theft i$40000 notes:
• menacing apa$10000 notes:
• harassment apa$10000 notes:
Jeffrey Promitas, - Clackamas County, OR.
Promitas, Steven Joseph
Arrest Age 24
Arrested Apr 06, 2021
• reckless driving
• reckless endangering hwy worker
• assault 4th degree
Joseph Promitas, - Clackamas County, OR.
Provine, Andrew Aaron
Bond: $1500
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Jan 05, 2019
• probation violation escape iii
• probation violation pcs-meth
• probation violation assault iv
• interfering with peace officer$2500
• probation violation theft i
• probation violation harassment
• carrying a concealed weapon$1500
Aaron Provine, - Clackamas County, OR
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Prunty, Arthur Charles
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Feb 19, 2016
• assault 4th degree
• failure to appear dws or revoked-use 811.182-1/2
• failure to appear driving while suspended/revoke
• recklessly endangering
• assault 4th degree$50000
• harassment
• fail to appear ii$10000
• failure to appear driving under infl of intox$50000
• assault 4th degree
• strangulation stat
Charles Prunty, - Clackamas County, OR
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Pryor, Edward Jeremy
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 21
Arrested Nov 22, 2014
• contact the county notes: liability statement
• assault 4th degree$7500
• harassment$3500
• assault 4th degree$7500
Jeremy Pryor, - Clackamas County, OR
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Puckett, Nicole Holly
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 45
Arrested Sep 11, 2014
• contact the webmaster notes: liability statement
• assault iv apa$7500
Holly Puckett, - Clackamas County, OR.
Puckett, William Nicholas
Bond: $10000
Arrested Apr 09, 2022
• assault iv apa$10000 notes:
Nicholas Puckett, - Clackamas County, OR.
Pugnali, Michael Anthony
Arrest Age 37
Arrested Jul 13, 2019
• unlaw use of weapon
• menacing
• assault 4th degree
Anthony Pugnali, - Clackamas County, OR
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Pukay, Georgiy Peter
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 53
Arrested Jun 03, 2019
• strangulation apa$40000
• assault iv apa$10000
Peter Pukay, - Clackamas County, OR
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Pukay, A Sergey Arrested Feb 11, 2022
• menacing
• assault 4th degree
• strangulation
• harassment
Sergey Pukay, - Clackamas County, OR.
Pulford, Rose-Marie Ashley
Arrest Age 21
Arrested Jul 10, 2019
• probation violation assault iv
Ashley Pulford, - Clackamas County, OR
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Pursell, Taylor Michael
Arrest Age 31
Arrested Jun 12, 2019
• probation violation assault iv
Michael Pursell, - Clackamas County, OR
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Pursell, Taylor Michael
Bond: $75000
Arrest Age 40
Arrested Oct 06, 2015
• failure to appear crim mistreatment i$75000
• failure to appear assault iii
Michael Pursell, - Clackamas County, OR
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Pustay, Paul Stephen
Bond: $40000
Arrest Age 27
Arrested Jun 13, 2018
• pcs-oxycodone$10000 notes: dismissed
• pcs-heroin$20000 notes: dismissed
• ex con in possn of firearm
• controlled substance offense$2500 notes: dismissed
• assault ii$250000 notes: dismissed
• crim mischief iii$1500 notes: dismissed
• ex con in
• assault 4th degree
• unlw pos prohb f/a(mgun/shrtbrrl$40000
Stephen Pustay, - Clackamas County, OR
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Putman, Scott Matthew
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Oct 17, 2018
• probation violation strangulation
• probation violation assault iv
Matthew Putman, - Clackamas County, OR
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Putnam, Nicole Anna
Arrest Age 50
Arrested May 01, 2014
• recklessly endangering
• assault 4th degree
• driving under infl of intox
• reckless driving
• crim mischief ii
Anna Putnam, - Clackamas County, OR
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Putnam, James Zachary
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Nov 30, 2018
• contempt of court
• crim mischief ii
• harassment
• contempt of court
• assault 4th degree
Zachary Putnam, - Clackamas County, OR
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Puzzo, Paul Michael
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 47
Arrested May 24, 2019
• probation violation assault iii
• probation violation unlaw use of weapon
• assault iv apa$10000
Michael Puzzo, - Clackamas County, OR
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Pyell, Edward David
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 55
Arrested Jun 01, 2014
• assault iv apa$7500
David Pyell, - Clackamas County, OR
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Pylikhin, Igorevich Nikita
Arrest Age 36
Arrested Feb 19, 2015
• harassment
• assault 4th degree
Nikita Pylikhin, - Clackamas County, OR
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Pymaube, Joseph Tahkeim
Arrest Age 25
Arrested Feb 17, 2021
• probation violation robbery iii
• probation violation assault iv
• probation violation pcs-meth
• probation violation crim mischief i
Tahkeim Pymaube, - Clackamas County, OR.
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