ᐅ Oregon Assault and Battery (OR)

First degree assault in Oregon is a Class A felony which will result in punishment of up to 20 years in prison and fines up to $375,000. Second degree assault in Oregon is a Class B felony which will accrue up to 10 years in jail and fines up to $250,000.

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Josephine County, Oregon


Last names: #Vasquez   #Vasquez-Arteaga   #Vasquez-Cortez   #Vasquez-Cruz   #Vasquez-Lopez   #Vaughan   #Vazquez-Aguilar   #Vazquez-Lopez   #Veader   #Vegas   #Vejar-Hernandez   #Vela   #Velasco-Sanchez   #Velasquez-Diaz   #Velazquez   #Velazquez-Mendez   #Vencill   #Vennel   #Ventmiller   #Ventura   #Ventura-Mora   #Verastegui   #Verde   #Verrett  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Vasquez, Aurelio Daniel
Arrest Age 28
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Dec 15, 2005
• endangering welfare of minor
• controlled substance offense/pcs-meth
• ins hold
• kidnapping 1st deg
• kidnapping 1st deg
• menacing
• endangering welfare of minor
• assault 2nd deg
• robbery 1st deg
• coercion
• controlled substance offense/pcs-methadone
Daniel Vasquez, - Josephine County, OR
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Vasquez, Tyler Jason
Arrest Age 44
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Aug 21, 2012
• assault 4th deg
Jason Vasquez, - Josephine County, OR.
Vasquez, Tyler Jason
Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 32
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Jun 13, 2009
• assault 4th deg - felony$15000
Jason Vasquez, - Josephine County, OR
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Vasquez-Arteaga, Eucedio Patricio
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 30
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Jul 09, 2006
• theft 2nd deg$5000
• assault 4th deg
• assault 2nd deg
Patricio Vasquez-Arteaga, - Josephine County, OR.
Vasquez-Cortez, Catheline Victor
Arrest Age 23
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Jun 13, 2005
• theft 2nd deg-fta
• theft 2nd deg-fta
• theft 2nd deg-fta
• assault 4th deg/fta
• hold (in state)
• hold (in state)
• theft 2nd deg-fta
• burglary 1st deg-fta
Victor Vasquez-Cortez, - Josephine County, OR
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Vasquez-Cruz, Ryan Vincente
Arrest Age 31
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Mar 12, 2009
• assault 4th deg
• strangulation
Vincente Vasquez-Cruz, - Josephine County, OR.
Vasquez-Lopez, Miguel Filogonio
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 21
Kerby, Josephine, OR
Arrested Apr 12, 2009
• criminal conspiracy
• assault 3rd deg$10000
Filogonio Vasquez-Lopez, - Josephine County, OR
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Vaughan, Nathan Frank
Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 28
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Jun 19, 2013
• post prison supervision sanction
• interfere with making a police report
• assault 4th deg$15000 notes: domestic
• assault 4th deg - attempted
Frank Vaughan, - Josephine County, OR
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Vaughan, Charles Thomas
Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 23
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Aug 06, 2009
• assault 4th deg - felony$15000
• strangulation
Thomas Vaughan, - Josephine County, OR.
Vazquez-Aguilar, Michael Edgar
Arrest Age 71
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Nov 06, 2007
• assault 4th deg
• criminal trespass in the 2nd degree
Edgar Vazquez-Aguilar, - Josephine County, OR.
Vazquez-Lopez, Andrew-Victor Alba
Arrest Age 27
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Aug 28, 2011
• assault public safety officer
• agg harassment-1
• att assault public safety officer
• assault public safety officer
• agg harassment-1
• assault 4
• burglary 1st deg
• assault public safety officer
• agg harassment-1
Alba Vazquez-Lopez, - Josephine County, OR
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Veader, Joseph William
Arrest Age 21
Cave Junction, Josephine, OR
Arrested Mar 27, 2010
• assault 4th deg/fta
William Veader, - Josephine County, OR
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Vegas, Albert Matthew
Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 30
O'Brien, Josephine, OR
Arrested Oct 01, 2008
• strangulation
• assault 4th deg - felony$15000
• assault 4th deg
Matthew Vegas, - Josephine County, OR.
Vejar-Hernandez, Lee-James Julian
Arrest Age 30
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Jan 02, 2010
• criminal mischief 1st deg-fta
• assault 4th deg
• theft 1st deg-fta
• endangering welfare of minor
• escape 3rd deg
• criminal mischief 1st deg-fta
Julian Vejar-Hernandez, - Josephine County, OR
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Vela, Hilda Nora
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 26
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Aug 28, 2007
• assault 4th deg-dom$7500
• assault 4th deg
Nora Vela, - Josephine County, OR
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Velasco-Sanchez, Lynn Jorge
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 26
Talent, Josephine, OR
Arrested Sep 06, 2008
• assault 4th deg$7500
Jorge Velasco-Sanchez, - Josephine County, OR.
Velasquez-Diaz, Noel Elvir
Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 34
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Feb 18, 2011
• contempt of court-rov$15000
• harassment-1
• criminal driving susp/revoked-2
• contempt of court-rov$7500
• assault 4th deg$15000
Elvir Velasquez-Diaz, - Josephine County, OR
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Velazquez, Jose
Arrest Age 27
Arrested Oct 31, 2018
• drive under influence of an intoxicant
• assault 4th deg
Jose Velazquez, - Josephine County, OR
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Velazquez-Mendez, Javier Francisco
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 37
Wolf Creek, Josephine, OR
Arrested Dec 27, 2015
• assault 4th deg$7500 notes: domestic
Francisco Velazquez-Mendez, - Josephine County, OR
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Vencill, Lee Robert
Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 50
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Jun 13, 2011
• att assault 4th deg$15000
Robert Vencill, - Josephine County, OR.
Vennel, Franklin Jacob
Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 46
Delano, Josephine, OR
Arrested Nov 23, 2015
• assault 4th deg - felony$20000
• reckless driving
• drive under influence of an intoxicant
• post prison supervision sanction
• criminal mischief 2nd deg
• recklessly endangering of another
• doc hold
• interfere with a police officer$10000
• recklessly endangering of another
• criminal mistreatment
Jacob Vennel, - Josephine County, OR
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Ventmiller, Lynn Wendy
Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 33
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Feb 10, 2009
• assault 4th deg - felony$20000
• interfere w/peace officer
• animal abuse 1st deg
Wendy Ventmiller, - Josephine County, OR
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Ventura, Lynn Debora
Bond: $30000
Arrest Age 26
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Oct 17, 2007
• assault 4th deg/fta$10000
• criminal trespass 2nd deg/fta
• probation violation/bg1$30000
• endangering welfare of minor/fta$25000
Debora Ventura, - Josephine County, OR
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Ventura, Lynn Debora
Bond: $7500
Arrest Age 35
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Dec 01, 2007
• probation violation-atef
• resisting arrest$7500
• probation violation/pcs-meth
• probat
• assault public safety officer/attempt
• probation violation-duii
• probation violation-fpdd
• harassment-1
• probation violation-fpdd
• unl possess methamphetamine$10000
• disorderly conduct
Debora Ventura, - Josephine County, OR
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Ventura-Mora, Troy Pablo
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 39
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Nov 04, 2006
• assault 4th deg/fta$10000
• unl possess methamphetamine/fta$5000
Pablo Ventura-Mora, - Josephine County, OR.
Verastegui, Michael Anthony
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 24
Medford, Josephine, OR
Arrested May 05, 2017
• out of county hold - warrant$10000 notes: pcs-heroin/ meth fta
• out of county hold - warrant$5000 notes: fpw x2, cry con x2,
• out of county hold - warrant
• out of county hold - warrant$5000 notes: pub ind fta
• out of county hold - warrant$7500 notes: ipo/doc fta
Anthony Verastegui, - Josephine County, OR
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Verde, Klipe Bobby
Arrest Age 20
Salem, Josephine, OR
Arrested Nov 14, 2014
• assault 4th deg
Bobby Verde, - Josephine County, OR
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Verrett, Morris Shawn
Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 24
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Apr 27, 2013
• strangulation$7500
• assault 4th deg$15000
Shawn Verrett, - Josephine County, OR
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Verrett, Morris Shawn
Arrest Age 50
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Aug 14, 2012
• probation violation
Shawn Verrett, - Josephine County, OR
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Verrett, Morris Shawn
Bond: $15000
Arrest Age 43
Grants Pass, Josephine, OR
Arrested Aug 04, 2011
• assault 4th deg - felony$15000
• recklessly endangering
Shawn Verrett, - Josephine County, OR.
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