ᐅ Oregon Assault and Battery (OR)

First degree assault in Oregon is a Class A felony which will result in punishment of up to 20 years in prison and fines up to $375,000. Second degree assault in Oregon is a Class B felony which will accrue up to 10 years in jail and fines up to $250,000.

Arrest Records By County - Oregon (OR)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Marion County, Oregon


Last names: #Warner   #Warren   #Warrington   #Washington   #Wasson   #Waterbury   #Waterman   #Waters   #Watkins  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Warner, Wayneduane Danial Arrested May 13, 2014
• assault 4th degree
• endanger welfare of minor
Danial Warner, - Marion County, OR
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Warner, Josephleedavidleroyc Danial Arrested Mar 22, 2016
• assault 4th degree
Danial Warner, - Marion County, OR
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Warren, Ksuzannechestereduar Brian Arrested Sep 06, 2014
• disorderly conduct ii
• assault 4th degree
Brian Warren, - Marion County, OR.
Warren, Mathew Brian Arrested Jan 16, 2018
• assault iv felony
Brian Warren, - Marion County, OR
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Warren, Matthew Brian Arrested Nov 29, 2018
• drive suspended/revoked felony
• assault 4th degree
• drive under influence intox
Brian Warren, - Marion County, OR
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Warren, Mathew Brian Arrested Mar 14, 2017
• drive under influence intox
• robbery ii
• burglary i
• assault 4th degree
• robbery ii
Brian Warren, - Marion County, OR
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Warren, Wayne Clifford Arrested Dec 12, 2016
• coercion
• interstate compact violation
• assault 4th degree
• menacing
• assault ii attempt
• strangulation
Clifford Warren, - Marion County, OR
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Warren, Nzabalcarlosjesusdav Daquon Arrested Jun 04, 2015
• crim mischief i
• unlawful possession of methamphetamine under 1 oz
• assault 4th degree
Daquon Warren, - Marion County, OR.
Warren, Narayan Elijah Arrested Mar 15, 2017
• assault iv felony
• endangering a person protected by a fapa order
• endangering a person protected by a fapa order
• endangering a person protected by a fapa order
• assault iv felony
• interfering with making a report
• harassment
• endangering a person protected by a fapa order
Elijah Warren, - Marion County, OR
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Warren, Narayan Elijah Arrested Mar 07, 2017
• assault 4th degree
• assault 4th degree
Elijah Warren, - Marion County, OR
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Warren, Susan Elizabeth Arrested Feb 07, 2019
• assault iv felony
• harassment
Elizabeth Warren, - Marion County, OR
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Warren, Susan Elizabeth Arrested Oct 13, 2018
• assault iii
Elizabeth Warren, - Marion County, OR
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Warren, Roy Michael Arrested Apr 02, 2018
• assault 4th degree
Michael Warren, - Marion County, OR.
Warrington, Edwardclaytonarchien Robert Arrested Jan 15, 2014
• deliv marijuana for payment
• assault 4th degree
• theft in the 2nd degree
Robert Warrington, - Marion County, OR
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Warrington, Nicolasericglennasco Robert Arrested Apr 07, 2014
• assault ii
• unlawful use of a weapon
Robert Warrington, - Marion County, OR
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Washington, Douglasleemichelleal Ramechika Arrested Jan 19, 2016
• assault ii
Ramechika Washington, - Marion County, OR
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Wasson, Billy Arrested Mar 11, 2017
• strangulation
• assault 4th degree
Billy Wasson, - Marion County, OR
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Waterbury, Renardjabryceleemlee Angela Arrested Dec 18, 2013
• assault i
• unlawful use of a weapon
Angela Waterbury, - Marion County, OR
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Waterbury, Kchesterjmichaelelio Matthew Arrested Oct 07, 2014
• att to elude police-vehicle
• menacing
• unauthorized use vehicle
• poss stolen vehicle
• reckless driving
• felon in possession of a firearm
• assault 4th degree
Matthew Waterbury, - Marion County, OR.
Waterman, Lynn Jennifer Arrested Aug 16, 2019
• assault 4th degree
Jennifer Waterman, - Marion County, OR
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Waterman, Mariedalebrookeclark Tammie Arrested Apr 19, 2015
• assault 4th degree
• assault 4th degree
Tammie Waterman, - Marion County, OR.
Waters, Jewell Brian Arrested Jan 28, 2021
• kidnapping ii
• assault 4th degree
• extortion
Brian Waters, - Marion County, OR
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Waters, Breannawesleyleroyja Jeffrey Arrested Jul 18, 2015
• theft in the 3rd degree
• burglary i
• assault 4th degree
Jeffrey Waters, - Marion County, OR
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Watkins, Rayangelino-Hernande Ivan Arrested May 21, 2016
• unlawful possession of methamphetamine under 1 oz
• assault 4th degree
Ivan Watkins, - Marion County, OR
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Watkins, Marie Kristina Arrested May 10, 2018
• strangulation
• assault 4th degree
Kristina Watkins, - Marion County, OR
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Watkins, Paul Arrested Oct 23, 2018
• assault 4th degree
• robbery iii
• theft in the 3rd degree
• assault 4th degree
Paul Watkins, - Marion County, OR
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Watkins, Shilo Arrested Mar 01, 2021
• assault iv felony
• unauthorized use vehicle
Shilo Watkins, - Marion County, OR
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Watkins, Shiloh Arrested Jan 07, 2020
• restraining order violation
• restraining order violation
• harassment
• unlawful possession of methamphetamine under 1 oz
• contempt of court
• theft in the 3rd degree
• restraining order violation
• escape iii
• assault 4th degree
• harassment
• theft in the 3rd degree
• theft in the 3rd degree
• harassment
• restraining order violation
• harassment
• contempt of court
Shiloh Watkins, - Marion County, OR
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Watkins, Shiloh Arrested Aug 15, 2020
• restraining order violation
• assault iv attempt
Shiloh Watkins, - Marion County, OR
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Watkins, Shiloh Arrested Feb 15, 2019
• assault iv felony
Shiloh Watkins, - Marion County, OR
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