ᐅ Utah Assault and Battery (UT)

The criminal act required for battery boils down to an offensive or harmful contact.

Arrest Records By County - Utah (UT)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Utah County, Utah


Last names: #Cash   #Casper   #Cassingham   #Cassity   #Castagna   #Castagno   #Castaneda   #Castelano-Lucas   #Castellano   #Castillo   #Castleberry   #Castleton   #Castro   #Castro-Hernandez   #Catalan-Dimas   #Catalano   #Cazares-Perez   #Cazier   #Ceciliani  

Cash, Graceanne Lauryn
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 44
Arrested Jun 14, 2015
• aggravated assault - domestic$5000
Lauryn Cash, - Utah County, UT
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Casper, Dennis Kolbey
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 22
Arrested Aug 01, 2015
• assault, dv$1000
Kolbey Casper, - Utah County, UT
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Casper, Rebecca Kyairah
Arrest Age 48
Arrested Mar 29, 2017
• assault
Kyairah Casper, - Utah County, UT
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Cassingham, Lamon Zachary
Arrest Age 44
Arrested Sep 19, 2014
• assault against a peace office
• driving under the influence of
• interference with arresting of
• intoxication
Zachary Cassingham, - Utah County, UT
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Cassity, Parris Tinielle
Bond: $1940
Arrest Age 21
Arrested Apr 03, 2015
• assault$1070
• commission of domestic violenc$1940
Tinielle Cassity, - Utah County, UT.
Castagna, Matthew Jason
Bond: $1940
Arrest Age 44
Arrested Apr 29, 2018
• assault$1940
Jason Castagna, - Utah County, UT
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Castagno, J Hollie
Bond: $400
Arrest Age 22
Arrested Oct 21, 2014
• no proof of insurance$400
• domestic violence assault$1600
Hollie Castagno, - Utah County, UT
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Castaneda, Alonso Jose
Bond: $680
Arrest Age 16
Arrested May 25, 2019
• assault$1950
• criminal mischief$680
Jose Castaneda, - Utah County, UT
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Castelano-Lucas, Martin
Arrest Age 24
Arrested Oct 19, 2015
• assault
• riot
Martin Castelano-Lucas, - Utah County, UT
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Castellano, Julie
Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 40
Arrested Mar 24, 2014
• assault$812
• poss w/ intent to dist c/subst$25000
Julie Castellano, - Utah County, UT
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Castillo, Paola Rebeca
Bond: $1940
Arrest Age 24
Arrested Jun 07, 2017
• dv assault$1940
Rebeca Castillo, - Utah County, UT
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Castillo, Jiminez Roberto
Bond: $1940
Arrest Age 23
Arrested Jul 15, 2018
• n/a ice hold ice hold
• assault$1940
• dom viol in the presence of a$3900
Roberto Castillo, - Utah County, UT
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Castillo, Jiminez Roberto
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 18
Arrested Nov 09, 2017
• assault$1000
• poss c/s with in correctional$5000
Roberto Castillo, - Utah County, UT
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Castleberry, Marshall Sean
Bond: $400
Arrest Age 54
Arrested Dec 19, 2014
• domestic violence assault$400
Sean Castleberry, - Utah County, UT
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Castleberry, Marshall Sean
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 56
Arrested Jan 20, 2018
• assault$2000
• dom viol in the presence of a
• unlawful detention
Sean Castleberry, - Utah County, UT.
Castleton, Marie Kaylee
Bond: $1950
Arrest Age 53
Arrested Jan 21, 2019
• commission of domestic violenc$1950
• commission of domestic violenc$1950
• commission of domestic violenc$1950
• assault$1950
Kaylee Castleton, - Utah County, UT
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Castleton, Marie Kaylee
Bond: $2000
Arrest Age 24
Arrested Apr 14, 2019
• commission of domestic violenc$2000
• assault
Kaylee Castleton, - Utah County, UT
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Castleton, Marie Kaylee
Bond: $1950
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Nov 03, 2016
• assault (domestic violence)$1940
• commission of domestic violenc$1950
Kaylee Castleton, - Utah County, UT
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Castro, Nambo Alberto
Arrest Age 20
Arrested May 03, 2016
• assault
• giving false personal identity
• smoking in a vehicle prohibite
• disorderly conduct
Alberto Castro, - Utah County, UT
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Castro, Diego
Bond: $3880
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Feb 01, 2014
• dv child present x2$3880
• dv assault$925
• intoxication$190
• dv criminal mischief$925
Diego Castro, - Utah County, UT
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Castro, Lopez Ismael
Bond: $150
Arrest Age 44
Arrested Apr 29, 2018
• disorderly conduct$150
• assault on peace officer or mi$2000
• fail to stop at command of law$2000
Ismael Castro, - Utah County, UT
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Castro-Hernandez, Alejandro
Bond: $1940
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Nov 24, 2016
• assault domestic violence$1940
• unlawful detention domestic vi$680
Alejandro Castro-Hernandez, - Utah County, UT
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Catalan-Dimas, Omar
Arrest Age 23
Arrested Nov 27, 2016
• assault-dv
• dv assault
Omar Catalan-Dimas, - Utah County, UT
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Catalano, Kae Maranda
Bond: $680
Arrest Age 33
Arrested Feb 28, 2019
• assault$1070
• damage/interrupt/prohibit use$680
• commission of domestic violenc$1950
• commission of domestic violenc$1950
• damage/interrupt/prohibit use$680
• commission of domestic violenc$1950
Maranda Catalano, - Utah County, UT
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Catalano, Maranda
Arrest Age 52
Arrested Feb 16, 2016
• assault
Maranda Catalano, - Utah County, UT
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Catalano, Maranda
Arrest Age 20
Arrested Jul 14, 2015
• commission of domestic violenc
• domestic violence assault
Maranda Catalano, - Utah County, UT
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Cazares-Perez, Fernando
Bond: $200
Arrest Age 22
Arrested Feb 10, 2015
• assault$200
• possession or use of a control$5000
• driving under the influence al$1800
Fernando Cazares-Perez, - Utah County, UT
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Cazier, Dawn Ambri
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 17
Arrested Oct 02, 2015
• theft
• assault by prisoner
• criminal trespass within a dwe
• criminal mischief
• burglary of a dwelling$5000
Ambri Cazier, - Utah County, UT
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Cazier, Rian Nicole
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 22
Arrested Apr 18, 2018
• assault$1500
• retail theft shoplifting$700
• use or possession of drug para
• possession or use of a control$5000
Nicole Cazier, - Utah County, UT
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Ceciliani, Michael Sean
Arrest Age 44
Arrested Aug 22, 2018
• aggravated assault
Sean Ceciliani, - Utah County, UT
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