ᐅ California Assault and Battery (CA)

Arrest Records By County - California (CA)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Madera County, California


Last names: #Castaneda   #Castaneda-Mendoza   #Castaneda-Ramirez   #Castaneda-Rodriguez   #Castano   #Casteel   #Castellanos   #Castellon   #Castelo   #Castelum   #Casteneda   #Castillo  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Castaneda, Joaquin
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 17
Chowchilla, Madera, CA
Arrested Jan 25, 2011
• dissuade or prevent witness or victim from testify$10000 notes: charges ordered dismissed 02/07/11 msc rigby/dism (bm)
• immigration customs enforcement detainer
• damage telephone/power line$5000 notes: da did not file 01/27/11 (bm)
• vandalism$10000 notes: charg
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had r$10000 notes: 44 days w/44 days cts 03/09/11 msc rigby/convict (bm)
Joaquin Castaneda, - Madera County, CA
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Castaneda, Joshua
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 19
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Jan 14, 2007
• vandalism [$5000 or more]$50000 notes: da did not file 01/17/07 (nf)
• vandalism [$5000 or more] ovr$10000 notes: charge amended to 594(a) misdamenor 01/23/07 msc degroot/amend (nf)
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had r$10000 notes: charge dismissed 01/23/07 msc degroot/dism (nf)
• vandalism [$5000 or more] ovr
Joshua Castaneda, - Madera County, CA
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Castaneda, Sonia
Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 54
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Sep 28, 2007
• threaten crime w/intent to terrorize$25000 notes: da rejected 10/01/2007 (mmeras)
• assault w/deadly weapon other than firearm or gbi$20000 notes: da rejected 10/01/2007 (mmeras)
Sonia Castaneda, - Madera County, CA
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Castaneda, Alberto Uriel
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 34
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Dec 22, 2017
• threaten crime w/intent to terrorize$30000 notes: da did not file 12/27/17 (nf)
• attempted burglary$50000 notes: charge ordered dismissed 09/04/18 msc rigby/dism (pd)
• assault w/deadly weapon other than firearm or gbi force$50000 notes: charge ordered dismissed 09/04/18 msc rigby/dism (pd)
• inflict corporal injury on spouse/cohabitant$50000 notes: charge ordered dismissed 09/04/18 msc rigby/dism (pd)
• willful harm or i
Uriel Castaneda, - Madera County, CA
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Castaneda-Mendoza, Felix
Bond: $1000
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Jan 20, 2022
• disorderly conduct:drunk/alcohol$5000
• sexual battery: touches intimate part$20000
• possess controlled substance$20000
• possess controlled substance paraphernalia$1000
Felix Castaneda-Mendoza, - Madera County, CA
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Castaneda-Ramirez, Anali
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 32
Pomona, Madera, CA
Arrested Oct 10, 2020
• obstruct/resist executive officer$25000
• battery on peace officer$25000
• disorderly conduct:drunk/alcohol$1000
Anali Castaneda-Ramirez, - Madera County, CA
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Castaneda-Rodriguez, Richard
Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 44
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Oct 06, 2012
• battery$500 notes: cite t/a msc 11/05/12 @ 0830 am (do)
• battery on peace officer$25000 notes: cite t/a msc 11/05/12 @ 0830 am (do)
Richard Castaneda-Rodriguez, - Madera County, CA
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Castano, Angelica
Arrest Age 37
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Jun 03, 2017
• violation of parole:felony
• assault w/deadly weapon other than firearm or gbi
Angelica Castano, - Madera County, CA
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Castano, Angelica
Arrest Age 18
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Aug 27, 2019
• battery on peace officer
• unlisted statutes/charges/court hearing
• interfering with an officer
• disorderly conduct:drunk/alcohol
Angelica Castano, - Madera County, CA
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Casteel, Chris
Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 34
Coarsegold, Madera, CA
Arrested Dec 10, 2009
• unlisted statutes/charges/court hearing$25000 notes: bail t/a ssc 01/05/2010 @ 0830 hrs (mm)
• possession of assault weapon$25000 notes: bail t/a ssc 01/05/2010 @ 0830 hrs (mm)
Chris Casteel, - Madera County, CA
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Castellanos, Evette
Arrest Age 27
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Aug 09, 2018
• assault w/deadly weapon other than firearm or gbi force
Evette Castellanos, - Madera County, CA
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Castellon, Francisco Andrew
Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 48
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Dec 19, 2021
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had relations
• violation of protection order$20000
Andrew Castellon, - Madera County, CA
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Castelo, Adrian
Bond: $1000000
Arrest Age 23
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Dec 03, 2013
• rec/etc stolen property$10000
• att. crime/murder$1000000
• assault on peace officer/firefighter w/firearm$100000
• armed with a firearm while commit or attempt of a$1050000
Adrian Castelo, - Madera County, CA
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Castelum, Victor
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 21
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Apr 04, 2010
• immigration detainer-notice of action-form i-247
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had r$10000 notes: d.a. reject 04/06/10 (nf)
Victor Castelum, - Madera County, CA
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Casteneda, Ernie Adolph
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 24
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested May 24, 2019
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had relations$10000 notes: pending further investigation 05/29/19 (vm)
Adolph Casteneda, - Madera County, CA
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Casteneda, Paul David
Bond: $10000
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Feb 06, 2022
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had relations$10000 notes: bail t/a msc 03/21/22 @ 0830 hrs (mm)
David Casteneda, - Madera County, CA
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Casteneda, Paul David
Arrest Age 29
Fresno, Madera, CA
Arrested Apr 28, 2020
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had relations
• interfering with an officer
David Casteneda, - Madera County, CA.
Casteneda, Richard
Bond: $100000
Arrest Age 33
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Aug 08, 2014
• assault w/deadly weapon other than firearm or gbi$25000
• strong arm robbery$100000
Richard Casteneda, - Madera County, CA
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Castillo, Abimael
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 26
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Oct 18, 2008
• assault w/deadly weapon other than firearm or gbi$10000 notes: bail t/a msc 01/30/09 @ 0830am (do)
• throw substance at vehicle with gbi intent$10000 notes: bail t/a msc 01/30/09 @ 0830am (do)
• assault w/deadly weapon other than firearm or gbi$10000 notes: bail t/a msc 01/30/09 @ 0830am (do)
• hit and run resulting in property damage$10000 notes: not held to answer 11/03/08 msc moffat/nhta (nf)
Abimael Castillo, - Madera County, CA
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Castillo, Reyes Angel
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 37
Chowchilla, Madera, CA
Arrested Aug 26, 2018
• felony to inflict corporal injury upon a child
• possess controlled substance
• destroy evidence
• possess controlled substance paraphernalia$5000 notes: 124 days w/ 124 days cts 10/25/18 msc rigby/convict (pd)
• bring narcotic/alcohol/etc into prison/jail/etc
• assault on child w/fo
Angel Castillo, - Madera County, CA
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Castillo, Angelique Amaris
Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 35
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Jul 13, 2014
• person commits assault by means force gbi$25000
• battery w/serious bodily injury$100000
• inflict corporal injury on spouse/cohabitant$25000
Amaris Castillo, - Madera County, CA
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Castillo, Anthony
Bond: $100000
Arrest Age 44
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested May 15, 2020
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had relations
• willful harm or injury to child/great bodily injury$100000
Anthony Castillo, - Madera County, CA
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Castillo, Braulio
Bond: $30000
Arrest Age 36
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Jul 06, 2018
• dirk or dagger-sell/possess/mfg$10000 notes: 240 days w/ 240 days cts 11/02/18 msc blea/ convict (pd)
• exhibit deadly weapon other than firearm
• assault w/deadly weapon other than firearm or gbi force$30000 notes: da did not file 07/10/18 (pd)
Braulio Castillo, - Madera County, CA
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Castillo, Carl
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 32
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Sep 10, 2010
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had r$10000 notes: release own recognizance 09/14/10 msc rigby/release t/a 09/21/10 (nf)
• battery$500 notes: release own recognizance 09/14/10 msc rigby/release t/a 09/21/10 (nf)
• immigration detainer-notice of action-form i-247
Carl Castillo, - Madera County, CA
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Castillo, Eduardo
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 59
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Nov 14, 2007
• assault with firearm on person$50000 notes: bail t/a msc 12/17/07 @ 0830 (bj)
Eduardo Castillo, - Madera County, CA
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Castillo, Eduardo
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 21
Chowchilla, Madera, CA
Arrested May 15, 2010
• battery$500 notes: 2 day no complaint 05/18/10 (bm)
Eduardo Castillo, - Madera County, CA
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Castillo, Eduardo
Bond: $400
Arrest Age 25
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested May 14, 2007
• rearrest/revoke probation/etc$500 notes: matter off calender as probation
• threaten crime w/intent to terrorize$25000 notes: da did not file 05/16/07 (bj)
• disorderly conduct:drunk/alcohol$400 notes: da did not file 05/16/07 (bj)
• battery on peace officer$25000 notes: da did not file 05/16/07 (bj)
• disorderly conduct:drunk/alcohol$500 notes: court ordered dismissed 05/23/07 msc degroot/ dismissed (cm)
Eduardo Castillo, - Madera County, CA
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Castillo, Alfredo Fernando
Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 26
Chowchilla, Madera, CA
Arrested Mar 16, 2009
• assault w/deadly weapon other than firearm or gbi$25000 notes: da reject 03/18/09 (bc)
• inflict injury upon child$20000 notes: da reject 03/18/09 (bc)
Fernando Castillo, - Madera County, CA
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Castillo, Alfredo Fernando
Bond: $675
Arrest Age 32
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Jan 25, 2007
• battery on peace officer/etc w/injury$500 notes: da did not file 01/26/07 (cd)
• trespass:closed lands$5000 no
• trespass:occupy property w/o consent$675 notes: da did not file 01/26/07 (cd)
• possess controlled substance$5000 notes: bail t/a 02/07/2007 @ msc dept. 3 02/01/07(mmeras)
• resist,delays,or obstructs any public or peace off$5000 notes: bail t/a 02/07/2007 @ msc dept. 3 02/01/07(mmeras)
Fernando Castillo, - Madera County, CA
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Castillo, Gabriel
Arrest Age 62
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Apr 03, 2009
• assault w/deadly weapon other than firearm or gbi
Gabriel Castillo, - Madera County, CA
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