ᐅ California Assault and Battery (CA)

Arrest Records By County - California (CA)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Madera County, California


Last names: #Medina   #Medina-Esquivel   #Medlock   #Medrano   #Meeker   #Meeks   #Mehat   #Mejia   #Mejia-Reyes   #Melchor   #Melendez   #Melesio   #Melgoza  

Arrestee NamesList of ChargesMugshot
Medina, Reyes
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 22
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Mar 17, 2010
• battery$5000 notes: 17 days w/17 days cts 04/02/10 msc wayne/convict (bm)
Reyes Medina, - Madera County, CA
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Medina, Roselia
Arrest Age 42
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Aug 06, 2012
• rearrest/revoke probation/etc
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had r
Roselia Medina, - Madera County, CA
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Medina, Valentin
Bond: $75000
Arrest Age 31
Fresno, Madera, CA
Arrested Jul 27, 2008
• strong arm robbery$75000 notes: charges ordered dismissed 09/23/08 msc wyatt/dismiss (jb)
• out of county/state warrants or detainer$10000 notes: tot north kern 12/10/008 (do)
• out of county/state warrants
• battery w/serious bodily injury$75000 notes: charges ordered dismissed 09/23/08 msc wyatt/dismiss (jb)
• resist,delays,or obstructs any public or peace off$75000 notes: charges ordered dismissed 09/23/08 msc wyatt/dismiss (jb)
Valentin Medina, - Madera County, CA
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Medina-Esquivel, Jorge
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 22
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Dec 01, 2007
• battery$500 notes: cite t/a msc 12/17/07 @ 0830 hrs (nf)
• assault$250 notes: cite t/a msc 12/17/07 @ 0830 hrs (nf)
Jorge Medina-Esquivel, - Madera County, CA
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Medlock, James Anthony
Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 22
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Apr 01, 2007
• assault w/deadly weapon other than firearm or gbi$20000 notes: court ordered dismiss 08/17/07 msc moffat/dismiss (nf)
• dui alcohol/drugs causing bodily injury$10000 notes: da did not file 04/03/07 (cm)
• violation of parole:felony
• hit & run resulting injury to any person o
• assault w/deadly weapon other than firearm or gbi$20000 notes: court ordered dismiss 08/17/07 msc moffat/dismiss (nf)
Anthony Medlock, - Madera County, CA
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Medlock, James Anthony
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 29
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested May 07, 2012
• threaten crime w/intent to terrorize$50000 notes: 10 days w/10 days cts 05/16/12 msc licalsi/convict (bm)
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had r$10000 notes: da did not file 05/09/12 (nf)
• violation of court order to prevent domestic viole$1000 notes: da did not file 05/09/12 (nf)
• rearrest/rev
• inflict corporal injury on spouse/cohabitant$25000 notes: release own recognizance 05/16/12 msc licalsi/convict (bm)
Anthony Medlock, - Madera County, CA
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Medlock, James Anthony
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 63
Oakhurst, Madera, CA
Arrested Nov 06, 2011
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had r$10000 notes: da reject 11/07/11 (bm)
Anthony Medlock, - Madera County, CA
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Medlock, James Anthony
Bond: $50000
Arrest Age 23
Atwater, Madera, CA
Arrested May 10, 2016
• draws or exhibits an imitation firearm in threaten$50000
• battery$50000
Anthony Medlock, - Madera County, CA
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Medrano, Gustavo
Bond: $5000
Stockton, Madera, CA
Arrested Mar 04, 2022
• battery$5000
Gustavo Medrano, - Madera County, CA
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Meeker, Savana
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 34
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Dec 14, 2014
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had r$10000
Savana Meeker, - Madera County, CA.
Meeks, Lee Gary
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 36
Chowchilla, Madera, CA
Arrested Dec 29, 2007
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had r$10000 notes: release own recognizance 01/02/08 msc wyatt/release t/a msc 01/16/08 (nf)
Gary Meeks, - Madera County, CA
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Mehat, Balwinder
Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 26
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Feb 05, 2006
• inflict corporal injury on spouse/cohabitant$25000 notes: da did not file 02/07/06 (do)
• assault w/deadly weapon other than firearm or gbi$25000 notes: 44 days w/44 days cts 03/20/2006 msc moffat/convict(mmeras)
• inflict corporal injury on spouse/cohabitant$25000 notes: 44 days w/44 days cts 03/20/2006 msc moffat/convict (mmeras)
Balwinder Mehat, - Madera County, CA
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Mejia, Ann Christina
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 22
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Jun 20, 2012
• rec/etc stolen property$5000 notes: cite t/a msc 07/16/2012 @ 0830 hrs (mm)
• battery on medical personnel$5000 notes: cite t/a msc 07/16/2012 @ 0830 hrs (mm)
Christina Mejia, - Madera County, CA
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Mejia, Cristobal
Bond: $30000
Arrest Age 73
Oakhurst, Madera, CA
Arrested Jul 06, 2007
• battery$500 notes: da did not file 07/10/07 (nf)
• threaten crime w/intent to terrorize$25000 notes: da did not file 07/10/07 (nf)
• willful cruelty to child;
• burglary$30000 notes: bail t/a ssc 08/21/07 @ 0900 hrs (cm)
• inflict corporal injury on spouse/cohabitant$30000 notes: bail t/a ssc 08/21/07 @ 0900 hrs (cm)
• inflict upon child injury/cruel punishment$50000 notes: da did not file 07/10/07 (nf)
Cristobal Mejia, - Madera County, CA
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Mejia, Irene
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 19
Chowchilla, Madera, CA
Arrested Jul 20, 2015
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had r$10000
Irene Mejia, - Madera County, CA
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Mejia, Soria Ivan
Bond: $5000
Arrest Age 23
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Mar 01, 2018
• battery$5000 notes: 836 pc
Ivan Mejia, - Madera County, CA
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Mejia, Cruz Joel
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 20
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Jun 19, 2021
• violation of parole:felony
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had relations$10000
Joel Mejia, - Madera County, CA
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Mejia, Octavio
Arrest Age 40
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Jun 04, 2020
• driving when privilege suspended or revoked
• failure to stop at stop sign
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had relations
• driving when privilege suspended or revoked
• possess controlled substance paraphernalia
• unlisted statutes/charges/court hearing
• driving when privilege suspended or revoked
• possess controlled substance
Octavio Mejia, - Madera County, CA
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Mejia, Paulette
Bond: $30000
Arrest Age 20
Chowchilla, Madera, CA
Arrested Apr 19, 2021
• person commits assault by means force gbi$30000
Paulette Mejia, - Madera County, CA
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Mejia, Pointsiano
Bond: $3000
Arrest Age 25
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Oct 14, 2010
• battery$500 notes: 90 days w/7 days cts 10/20/10 msc wayne/convict (bm)
• rearrest/revoke probation/etc$3000 notes: probation is revoked and terminated 10/20/10 msc wayne/rvk (bm)
Pointsiano Mejia, - Madera County, CA
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Mejia, Tomas
Bond: $155000
Arrest Age 17
Chowchilla, Madera, CA
Arrested Apr 09, 2017
• assault w/deadly weapon other than firearm or gbi$155000
• violation of condition of prob.
• promote/asst/further felonious act w/street gang$155000
Tomas Mejia, - Madera County, CA
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Mejia-Reyes, Javier
Bond: $35000
Arrest Age 31
Santa Monica, Madera, CA
Arrested Apr 20, 2018
• inflict corporal injury on spouse/cohabitant$35000 notes: da did not file 04/24/18 (vm)
• obstruct/resist executive officer$35000 notes: 8 months state prison cs 09/28/18 msc rigby/convict (pd)
• ownership/possession/control of firearm by felon or addict$35000 notes: da did not file 04/24/18 (vm)
• assault with firearm on person$3500
• battery on peace officer$35000 notes: da did not file 04/24/18 (vm)
Javier Mejia-Reyes, - Madera County, CA
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Mejia-Reyes, Thomas
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 21
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Oct 12, 2013
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had r$10000
Thomas Mejia-Reyes, - Madera County, CA
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Melchor, Moises-Gomez Agustin
Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 44
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Feb 19, 2007
• prevent/dissuade witness/victim$5000 notes: da did not file 02/21/07 (cm)
• false imprisonment$5000 notes: da did not file 02/21/07 (cm)
• threaten crime w/intent to terrorize$25000 notes: court ordered dismissed 03/09/07 msc degroot/dism (nf)
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had r$25000 notes: court ordered dismissed 03/09/07 msc degroot/dism (nf)
• false imprisonment
Agustin Melchor, - Madera County, CA
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Melendez, Lynn Cynthia
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 19
El Nido, Madera, CA
Arrested Jan 01, 2014
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had r$10000 notes: bail t/a msc 01/27/2014 @ 0830 hrs (mm)
Cynthia Melendez, - Madera County, CA
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Melesio, Emmanuel Jose
Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 33
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested May 23, 2006
• inflict corporal injury on spouse/cohabitant$25000 notes: 196 days w/ 196 days cts 12/04/06 msc moffat/convict (cd)
• violation of parole:felony
• assault w/deadly weapon other than firearm or gbi$25000 notes: charge dismissed on the motion of the people 12/04/06 msc moffat/dismiss (cd)
Jose Melesio, - Madera County, CA
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Melgoza, Perez Antonio
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 38
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Feb 23, 2021
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had relations$10000
Antonio Melgoza, - Madera County, CA
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Melgoza, Cezar
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 27
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Sep 30, 2008
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had r$10000 notes: bail t/a msc 10/07/08 @ 0830 am (bc)
Cezar Melgoza, - Madera County, CA
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Melgoza, Juan
Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 20
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Jun 25, 2021
• obstructs/resists public officer$1000
• battery$5000
• obstruct/resist executive officer$25000
Juan Melgoza, - Madera County, CA
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Melgoza, Martha
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 29
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Jan 23, 2012
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had r$10000 notes: cite t/a 02/27/2012 @ 0830 hrs (mm)
Martha Melgoza, - Madera County, CA
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