ᐅ California Assault and Battery (CA)

Arrest Records By County - California (CA)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Madera County, California


Last names: #Barragan   #Barragan-Cortez   #Barraza   #Barreno   #Barrera   #Barreras   #Barrientos-Bonilla   #Barrientoz   #Barriga   #Barrios  

Barragan, Salomon
Bond: $100000
Arrest Age 28
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested May 18, 2017
• assault w/deadly weapon other than firearm or gbi$100000
Salomon Barragan, - Madera County, CA
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Barragan-Cortez, Armando Alexis
Bond: $35000
Arrest Age 22
Oakhurst, Madera, CA
Arrested Apr 14, 2019
• driving susp. w/ conviction of 23152 or 23153 cvc$5000 notes: bail t/a msc 05/30/19 @0830 hrs (pd)
• inflict corporal injury on spouse/cohabitant$35000 notes: bail t/a msc 05/30/19 @0830 hrs (pd)
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had relations$35000 notes: bail t/a msc 05/30/19 @0830 hrs (pd)
Alexis Barragan-Cortez, - Madera County, CA
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Barraza, Adriana Beatrice
Arrest Age 27
San Diego, Madera, CA
Arrested Oct 04, 2016
• battery by prisoner on non-prisoner
• battery by prisoner on non-prisoner
Beatrice Barraza, - Madera County, CA
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Barraza, Adriana Beatriz
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 20
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Mar 14, 2008
• battery on peace officer with injury$250 notes: bail t/a msc 04/07/08 @ 0830 hrs (jb)
• resist,delays,or obstructs any public or peace off$500 notes: bail t/a msc 04/07/08 @ 0830 hrs (jb)
Beatriz Barraza, - Madera County, CA
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Barraza, Adriana Beatriz
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 27
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Dec 15, 2017
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had relations$10000 notes: 836 pc
Beatriz Barraza, - Madera County, CA
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Barraza, Blanca
Bond: $50000
Hollister, Madera, CA
Arrested Aug 30, 2021
• battery by prisoner on non-prisoner$50000
Blanca Barraza, - Madera County, CA
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Barraza, Crystal
Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 29
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Apr 30, 2016
• inflict corporal injury on spouse/cohabitant$25000
• assault w/deadly weapon other than firearm or gbi$25000
Crystal Barraza, - Madera County, CA
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Barraza, Flavio
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 29
Chowchilla, Madera, CA
Arrested Oct 08, 2006
• disorderly conduct:drunk/alcohol$1000 notes: dismissed 10/16/06 msc moffat/dism (do)
• rearrest/revoke probation/etc$5000 notes: 180 days w/ 9 days 10/16/06 msc moffat/convict (do)
• driving when privilege suspended or revoked
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had r$10000 notes: 180 days w/ 11 day cts cc 10/16/06 msc moffat/convict (do)
• out of county/state warrants or detainer$15000 notes: tot i.c.e. 01/29/07 (bj)
Flavio Barraza, - Madera County, CA
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Barraza, Jose
Bond: $100000
Arrest Age 35
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Oct 06, 2013
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had r$10000
• kidnapping$100000
• immigration customs enforcement detainer
Jose Barraza, - Madera County, CA
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Barraza, Alberto Mario
Arrest Age 39
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Feb 18, 2020
• petty theft
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had relations
• driving greater than 55 mph on highway
• unlawful to drive unless lic.
Mario Barraza, - Madera County, CA
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Barraza, Alberto Mario
Bond: $30000
Arrest Age 39
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Dec 06, 2021
• willful harm or injury to child/great bodily injury$100000
• unlawful threats which would result in death or great bodily injury$30000
• assault w/deadly weapon other than firearm or gbi force$30000
Mario Barraza, - Madera County, CA.
Barreno, Ricardo
Bond: $500
Arrest Age 51
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Jan 22, 2016
• battery$500
• disorderly conduct:drunk/alcohol$500
Ricardo Barreno, - Madera County, CA.
Barreno, Ricardo
Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 23
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Sep 21, 2011
• out of county/state warrants or detainer$30000
• assault w/deadly weapon other than firearm or gbi$25000 notes: d.a. did not file 09/23/11 (ag)
• immigration detainer-notice of action-form i-247
• malicious mischief/vandalism [$5000 or more]
• throw substance at vehicle with gbi intent$25000 notes: 35 days w/35 day cts 10/25/11 msc soldani/convict (bm)
Ricardo Barreno, - Madera County, CA
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Barrera, Edwin
Bond: $100000
Arrest Age 49
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Jun 07, 2011
• strong arm robbery$100000 notes: charges ordered dismissed 12/16/11 msc wayne/dism (nf)
• possess marijuana/hashish for sale - less than 2 o$10000 notes: motion to dismiss granted 12/16/11 msc
• assault w/deadly weapon other than firearm or gbi$100000 notes: 2 years county jail 12/16/11 msc wayne/convict (nf)
• assault w/deadly weapon other than firearm or gbi$100000 notes: charges ordered dismissed 12/16/11 msc wayne/dism (nf)
Edwin Barrera, - Madera County, CA
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Barrera, Ray Israel
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 20
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Apr 01, 2012
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had r$10000 notes: cite t/a msc 04/30/12 @ 0830 hours (mb)
Israel Barrera, - Madera County, CA
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Barrera, Ray Israel
Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 25
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested May 21, 2007
• inflict corporal injury on spouse/cohabitant$25000 notes: bail t/a msc 05/30/07 @ 0830 hrs (do)
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had r$5000 notes: bail t/a msc 05/30/07 @ 0830 hrs (do)
• driving under influence alcohol/drugs$25000 notes: bail t/a msc 05/30/07 @ 0830 hrs (do)
• driving under influence with ba over .08$25000 notes: bail t/a msc 05/30/07 @ 0830 hrs (do)
Israel Barrera, - Madera County, CA
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Barrera, Joanna
Bond: $30000
Arrest Age 57
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Nov 16, 2020
• assault w/deadly weapon other than firearm or gbi force$30000
Joanna Barrera, - Madera County, CA
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Barreras, Arturo
Bond: $5000000
Arrest Age 38
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Nov 09, 2017
• possess controlled substance for sale - 1000-5000 pills$50000 notes: mcr057555b
• possess controlled substance for sale - 1000-5000 pills$50000 notes: mcr057201
• battery non coh
• transportation/sale of specified drugs - if over 11339.80 grams$5000000 notes: mcr057555b
• possess/etc burglary tools
• transportation/sale of specified drugs - if over 11339.80 grams$5000000 notes: mcr057201
Arturo Barreras, - Madera County, CA
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Barreras, Carlos Juan
Bond: $10000
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Apr 17, 2022
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had relations$10000
• endangering child or causing or permitting to suffer physical pain, mental suffering or injury$5000
Juan Barreras, - Madera County, CA
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Barrientos-Bonilla, Nicolas
Bond: $10000
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Dec 02, 2021
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had relations$10000
• injurying wireless communication
Nicolas Barrientos-Bonilla, - Madera County, CA
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Barrientoz, Jorge
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 34
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Nov 04, 2012
• battery$10000 notes: bail t/a msc 11/19/2012 @ 0830 hrs (mm)
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had r$10000 notes: bail t/a msc 11/19/2012 @ 0830 hrs (mm)
• injurying wireless communication$10000 notes: bail t/a msc 11/19/2012 @ 0830 hrs (mm)
• use of personal i.d. to obtain credit, goods or se$15000 notes: bail t/a msc 11/19/2012 @ 0830 hrs (mm)
Jorge Barrientoz, - Madera County, CA
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Barriga, Antonio
Bond: $1000
Arrest Age 26
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Feb 20, 2022
• battery$5000
• interfering with an officer$1000
• hit and run resulting in property damage$5000
• driving susp. w/ conviction of 23152 or 23153 cvc$5000
• unlisted statutes/charges/court hearing$25000
• driving susp. w/ conviction of 23152 o
• battery on peace officer$25000
• driving susp. w/ conviction of 23152 or 23153 cvc$5000
Antonio Barriga, - Madera County, CA
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Barriga, David
Bond: $25000
Arrest Age 24
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Jul 27, 2011
• yield the ri
• assault w/deadly weapon other than firearm or gbi$25000 notes: d.a. did not file 07/28/11 (ag)
• unlawful to drive unless lic.$1000 notes: charge ordered dismissed 08/03/11 msc rigby/dism (bm)
• unlawful to drive unless lic.$1000 notes: charge ordered dismissed 08/03/11 msc rigby/dism (bm)
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had r$20000 notes: 37 days w/37 days cts 09/30/11 msc rigby/convict (ag)
David Barriga, - Madera County, CA
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Barriga, Jose
Arrest Age 33
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Jan 15, 2014
• dui .10 alcohol causing bodily injury
• person commits assault by means force gbi
Jose Barriga, - Madera County, CA
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Barriga, Miguel Luis
Bond: $10000
Arrest Age 29
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Jul 17, 2021
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had relations$10000
• endangering child or causing or permitting to suffer physical pain, mental suffering or injury$5000
Luis Barriga, - Madera County, CA
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Barriga, Miguel Luis
Bond: $20000
Arrest Age 50
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Apr 06, 2017
• possession of controlled substance - amphetamines$20000
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had r$20000
Luis Barriga, - Madera County, CA
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Barriga, Mario
Arrest Age 40
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Jan 21, 2020
• battery
• inflict corporal injury on spouse/cohabitant
Mario Barriga, - Madera County, CA.
Barriga, Magdaleno Oscar
Arrest Age 19
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Dec 12, 2013
• strong arm robbery
• carjacking
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had r
Oscar Barriga, - Madera County, CA
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Barriga, Ruben
Bond: $10000
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Jan 29, 2022
• battery non cohabitant whom defendant has or had relations$10000
Ruben Barriga, - Madera County, CA
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Barrios, Alice
Bond: $30000
Arrest Age 26
Madera, Madera, CA
Arrested Feb 22, 2018
• #sv100-4890102
• battery w/serious bodily injury$50000 notes: pc836 bb
• assault w/deadly weapon other than firearm or gbi force$30000 notes: pc836 bb
Alice Barrios, - Madera County, CA
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