ᐅ California Assault and Battery (CA)

Arrest Records By County - California (CA)

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Arrests in an Assault And Battery Cases - Shasta County, California


Last names: #England   #Engler   #English   #Enriquez   #Ensminger   #Epperson   #Erckert   #Erickson   #Ericsson   #Erkelens   #Erskine   #Eskew   #Esparzaromero   #Espejo   #Estes   #Etter   #Ettress   #Eusted   #Evanoff   #Evans   #Evers  

England, Tyler Jason Arrested May 30, 2022
• cause inj elder/dep adult
• battery with serious bodily injury
Jason England, - Shasta County, CA.
Engler, John Timothy
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Sep 17, 2018
• viol of prob
• battery
• elder/dep adult crue
• indecent exposure
Timothy Engler, - Shasta County, CA.
English, Alan Kenneth
Arrest Age 25
Arrested May 03, 2014
• grand theft:property
• battery
• viol of prob
• robbery
• burglary
Kenneth English, - Shasta County, CA.
Enriquez, Kevin Anthony
Arrest Age 17
Arrested Jul 20, 2019
• aslt w/firearm on person
• shoot:inhab dwell/veh/etc
• att murder:first degree
Anthony Enriquez, - Shasta County, CA.
Enriquez, Ramos Ramon
Arrest Age 35
Arrested Mar 30, 2013
• batt:noncohab spouse
Ramon Enriquez, - Shasta County, CA.
Ensminger, Francis Donald
Arrest Age 26
Arrested Dec 03, 2018
• viol of prob
• evad off wilful dis
• sale/distrib/transp
• poss sale cntl sub
• aslt po w/firearm
• obstruct/etc pub ofc
Donald Ensminger, - Shasta County, CA.
Epperson, Marie Sheila
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Apr 04, 2017
• fta after written pr
• fta after written pr
• viol of prob
• contempt of court
• fta after written pr
• viol of prob
• battery
• contempt of court
• contempt of court
Sheila Epperson, - Shasta County, CA.
Erckert, Alan Michael
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Sep 12, 2016
• assault on person
• battery
• elder abuse
Michael Erckert, - Shasta County, CA.
Erickson, Raypaul Nathan
Arrest Age 42
Arrested Mar 03, 2022
• vandalism less than $400
• trespass obstr bus oprn
• battery on person
• obstruct/resist/etc public/peace officer/emergency
• trespass - enter after being notified to keep away
• #9
• failure to appear on felony charge
• parole violation
• vandalism ($400 or more)
Nathan Erickson, - Shasta County, CA.
Erickson, Scott Richard
Arrest Age 38
Arrested Sep 17, 2012
• batt peace offcr
• obstruct executive o
Richard Erickson, - Shasta County, CA
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Erickson, Scott Richard
Arrest Age 23
Arrested Aug 14, 2015
• batt:noncohab spouse
• battery
• exhibit firearm
Richard Erickson, - Shasta County, CA
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Ericsson, Rocky Jordan
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Jan 10, 2014
• petty theft
• fta after written pr
• battery
• robbery
• fta after written pr
Jordan Ericsson, - Shasta County, CA.
Erkelens, Jennifer Stephanie
Arrest Age 49
Arrested Oct 19, 2018
• fta on misdemeanor c
• fta on misdemeanor c
• fta on misdemeanor c
• fta on misdemeanor c
• fta on misdemeanor c
• fta after written pr
• fta on misdemeanor c
• battery
Stephanie Erkelens, - Shasta County, CA.
Erskine, Andrew Kirke
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Jul 09, 2013
• batt w/ser bod inj
Kirke Erskine, - Shasta County, CA.
Eskew, Rose Cheyenne Arrested Jul 26, 2021
• battery:spouse/ex spouse/date/etc
Cheyenne Eskew, - Shasta County, CA.
Esparzaromero, Alberto Carlos
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Jan 28, 2021
• trans/sell narc btwn cnty
• poss cntl sub while armed
• pos/pur f/sale narc/c/sub
• transp/sell narc/cntl sub
• ill poss assault wpn
Carlos Esparzaromero, - Shasta County, CA.
Espejo, Antonette Neta Arrested Mar 25, 2022
• battery w/serious bodily injury
Neta Espejo, - Shasta County, CA.
Estes, Denise Jennifer
Arrest Age 34
Arrested Aug 28, 2020
• dui alcohol/drugs
• dui alcohol/0.08 percent
• batt po/emerg prsnl/etc
Jennifer Estes, - Shasta County, CA.
Etter, Hausan Daudi
Arrest Age 48
Arrested Oct 07, 2015
• batt:noncohab spouse
Daudi Etter, - Shasta County, CA.
Ettress, Seanarntee
Arrest Age 38
Arrested Aug 26, 2021
• fa
• failure to appear on misdemeanor charge
• battery on peace officer/emergency personnel/etc
• obstruct/resist exec ofcr
• obstruct/resist/etc public/peace officer/emergency
• threaten crime with intent to terrorize
• failure to appear on misdemeanor charge
• failure to appear on felony charge
Seanarntee Ettress, - Shasta County, CA.
Eusted, Henry-Rolland Michael
Arrest Age 30
Arrested Sep 27, 2016
• thrtn crime:int:terr
• batt:noncohab spouse
• viol of prob
Michael Eusted, - Shasta County, CA.
Evanoff, Miguel Andrew
Arrest Age 37
Arrested Dec 23, 2012
• batt:noncohab spouse
Andrew Evanoff, - Shasta County, CA.
Evans, Carlis Christopher
Arrest Age 32
Arrested May 30, 2016
• contempt of court
• batt:noncohab spouse
• viol of prob
Christopher Evans, - Shasta County, CA.
Evans, Elaine Jamie
Arrest Age 51
Arrested Feb 04, 2017
• batt:noncohab spouse
Jamie Evans, - Shasta County, CA.
Evans, Robert John
Arrest Age 45
Arrested May 18, 2014
• battery
John Evans, - Shasta County, CA.
Evans, David Olen
Arrest Age 42
Arrested Aug 09, 2021
• poss drgs/para in prsn/jl
• failure to appear on felony charge
• prob viol:rearrest/revoke
• petty theft
• give false id to po
• battery on peace officer/emergency personnel/etc
Olen Evans, - Shasta County, CA.
Evans, Ray Skeeter
Arrest Age 32
Arrested Dec 14, 2013
• hit-run driving
• viol of prob
• batt:noncohab spouse
• obstruct/etc pub ofc
• batt w/ser bod inj
• viol of prob
• vandalism -$400
Skeeter Evans, - Shasta County, CA.
Evers, Kristine Amber
Arrest Age 28
Arrested Sep 15, 2013
• obstruct/etc pub ofc
• batt:noncohab spouse
Amber Evers, - Shasta County, CA.
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